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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 124

124 Ava: Surprise Invitation

Easier said than done. But I try to clear my head, to let my body take over. Slipping to the side, I evade a vicious right hook. There–an opening. It’s classic and obvious and it might be a trap, but I dart forward, inside his reach, and drive my elbow into his solar plexus.

He grunts, doubling over. Not letting up, I grab his arm and pivot, using his own momentum to flip him over my hip. He hits the mat hard, the breath knocked out

of him.

For a second, I just stand there, stunned. Holy shit, did I actually just do that? A slow grin spreads across my face.

“Good!” Amara calls out. “That’s enough for now.”

We break apart, both of us panting and sweaty. I glance over at my opponent, expecting to see grudging respect or even surprise. Instead, fury contorts his face, his eyes flashing with barely contained rage.

A chill runs through me. Did I just make an enemy?



124 Ava: Surprise Invitation

Anxiety claws at my throat; I know what it means to have a pack who detests me. Even with the guards Lucas has me under, I have no faith that I’m safe if I’m hated by everyone in Westwood.

I know what happens in the shadows.

Before I can smooth things over, the shifter–I think his name might be Ben or something–bows, his

expression smoothing into polite neutrality. “Thank you for the match,” he says stiffly. Then he turns on his heel and stalks away, leaving me staring after him in confusion.

Did I imagine that look? I replay the moment in my head, trying to pinpoint what I saw. But with each passing second, I grow less certain. Maybe it was just the heat of the fight, the sting of being bested. Surely he doesn’t actually hate me for throwing him once… right?

You did wellSelene says, her voice warm with approval. Don’t let one surly pup shake your confidence.

Shaking off my worries, I take a deep breath, trying to ignore the throbbing in my jaw. It reaches deep into


my car. My ribs ache every time I breathe, but I fill my lungs anyway, before consciously relaxing my body, one muscle group at a time.

Selene’s right. I can’t control how others react to me.

I’m here to train. If they want to hate me, there’s little I can do about that.

I just have to keep training. Improving. I’m going to get bruised, but eventually, I’ll be able to give back as

much as I get.

Still, as I towel off and head for the showers, I can’t quite shake the unease prickling down my neck, making me shiver beneath the sweat cooling on my skin.

“Ava!” Lisa pops out of nowhere, which is–as far as I’m concerned–a specialty of hers. “I threw a girl called Anneliese today. She told me I’m not bad, for a human.”

Lisa’s enthusiastic arm collides with my tender ribs as she loops our limbs together in a familiar hug. Pain lances through my side, stealing my breath for a

moment. I grit my teeth, waiting for the ache to subside.

124 Ava: Surprise Invitation

“Oops, sorry!” Lisa’s eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. She quickly withdraws her arm from mine, looking sheepish. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” I manage, straightening up with effort. The bruises throb in protest, but I ignore them. “How about you? Hanging in there?”

Lisa’s grin returns, undimmed. “I’m sore as hell, but it’s getting better. I think they went a little easier on me today–only a couple new bruises to add to the collection.”

“Lucky you,” I mutter, only half–joking. My whole body feels like one giant contusion.

But Lisa’s cheer is contagious, and I find myself smiling back at her, the knot in my chest loosening a bit. It’s a relief to see her spirits lifting again after the brutal introduction to shifter training.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Lisa bounces on her toes, eyes sparkling with sudden excitement. “Guess what? We got invited to a party!”

I blink at her, certain I’ve misheard. “A party? Us?” Skepticism colors my tone. After the chilly reception from the Westwood wolves, a party invite seems about


124 Ava: Surprise Invitation

as likely as a snowy Independence Day.

“Yes, us!” Lisa links her arm through mine, undeterred, but this time careful not to smack against my injuries. “Chloe invited us. She said it’s like a monthly thing, a chance for the younger wolves to let off some steam.”

Chloe. Tall, willowy, gorgeous. Green eyes, black hair, and a perfect nose. I turn red when I sweat; she does that whole glistening thing, where she just looks sexier

after a workout.

I hesitate, doubt niggling at me. Is this a genuine olive branch, or some kind of setup? My experience with my birth pack has made me wary of any overtures of friendship.

But Lisa looks so hopeful, her face open and guileless. She’s been through a lot because of me… maybe a

party wouldn’t be the worst thing. A chance to feel normal for a night, to forget about the threats lurking in the shadows.

  1. 13.

love to be stronger, I’m not sure how many more bruises I can take before I crack.

GoSelene urges in my mind, her tone encouraging. You’ve earned night of funI’ll keep watch, as always


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