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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 128

128 Ava: A Frank Discussion

Flutters from here to here?” Lisa motions with her

hand, encompassing her entire abdomen up to just beneath her breasts.

I nod.

“And your face tingles from the sound of his voice?”

I nod again.

“Things sound sexual even when they’re not?”

I blush.

“Yes. You’ve officially moved into flirtation territory.” Lisa picks her burger up, taking a huge bite with a groan of appreciation. After swallowing, she points it in my general direction. “Congratulations. This is your first crush.”

“Not my first crush,” I murmur. There had been a few kids in class… Kids who weren’t mean or cruel, and who didn’t laugh at me.

But they always ended up with other girls. We barely exchanged hellos, and I’d dreamed up scenarios between us. Of me leaving my pack to live a human



128 Ava: A Frank Discussion

life, of giving up my wolf heritage.

Silly daydreams.

“First real one, then,” she amends.

He’s tryingSelene admits, her begrudging tone making me laugh.

I’m not sure if she’ll ever approve of him.



I take a bite of my burger, savoring the juicy flavor as I chew. The quiet peace of the apartment wraps around us, comforting and sweet. No hovering Kellan, no

constant surveillance… Just blessed solitude, broken only by the crinkling of wrappers and Lisa’s soft chewing across from me.

Kellan must have gotten orders from Lucas to give us more space. He dropped off our food earlier with barely a word before heading out to handle important beta duties. I’m not complaining. Having the apartment to ourselves is a rare luxury.

As I swallow another mouthful, Lisa’s voice breaks into my thoughts. “So, what was up with that bizarre text you got yesterday?”

I pause mid–chew, the reminder sending a chill down


128 Ava: A Frank Discussion

my spine. The message had been so unsettling. And then it had just vanished. Like it never existed.

I shake my head slowly. “I don’t know. It sounds similar

to the last words Sister Miriam said to me.”

Lisa sets her burger down, concern flashing across her face. “Okay, that’s creepy. Explain more.”

Never underestimate vampireSelene murmurs

“When Sister Miriam left, she told me to light a candle and say her name, and she’ll find me. I didn’t think too

much of it at the time, but-”

“The text asked you about the candle.” Lisa bites her lip. “How concerned should we be?”

“I don’t know. Creepy text aside, I don’t feel like she’s

out to harm me.”

If she wanted to harm you, she wouldn’t have sent text messageSelene perks her head up from her spot on the couch. It sounds like she has information she wants to share with you

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea to open that can of vampire worms.”

Perhaps notBut vampires are not inherently evil, as



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you seem to think

“Mm.” I relay Selene’s thoughts to Lisa, who pokes at her burger in thought.

“I think you should try to reach out to her. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“Die? Get kidnapped again? Get turned into a vampire?”

“All valid points, but do you really think your luck is so bad that you’d be kidnapped againThere has to be a statistic saying how impossible that is.”

“Okay, what about dying?”

Lisa grimaces, pushing her plate away. Unlike her, my appetite isn’t diminished by the contents of our conversation, so I take another bite of my burgerI’ve been starving lately, probably due to all the training.

“Should we tell Lucas and Kellan about Sister Miriam?”

128 Ava: A Frank Discussion

What do you thinkSelene?

My wolf–in–husky–form just huffs and gives a little toss of her head. Your choice of mate is yours.


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