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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 134

He seems nice, Selene says.

Yeah, he does. When we part so I can return to Lisa’s side, he doesn’t cling or say anything, just waves me off

and wanders back into the crowd.

Feeling buoyed by my success at dancing with a stranger and managing a conversation with someone. in the pack, I hunt Lisa down. The dance with Teddy has cemented something inside of me; no matter how handsome another man is, he doesn’t bring about the flutters that a single word from Lucas can stir in my belly.

I need girl advice tonight.

Trying to find Lisa in the throng of shifters is impossible. She’s nowhere to be found. My skin prickles with the sensation of being watched, assessed. Whispers hiss through the air, just quiet enough that I can’t make out the words. But I can imagine well enough what they’re saying.

Mia and Chloe are holding court with a group of male shifters. Mia’s dark hair tumbles over her shoulder as



134 Ava: The Party (V)

she laughs, leaning into the broad–shouldered man beside her. Chloe’s green eyes flick to mine, a smirk curling her lips. I quickly look away.

I don’t know what their goal was in bringing me here,

but I don’t need to know.

They’re not on my side. That’s enough to know I want nothing to do with them.

Someone jostles me from behind and I stumble, barely keeping my balance. A red plastic cup is shoved into my hand, sloshing sticky–sweet punch over the side.

“Oops, sorry!” a male voice calls, but when I turn to look, he’s already disappeared back into the crowd.

I stare down at the cup in my hand, the sickly artificial scent of fruit and alcohol wafting up to my nose. My stomach churns. I don’t want to be here anymore, suffocating under the weight of shifter superiority and teenage hormones. I just want to find Lisa and go


Clutching the cup, I weave my way through the mass of bodies, heading for the refuge of the kitchen. It’s quieter there, only a few people milling about. I set the cup down on the counter with a shaky hand and pull



134 Ava: The Party (V)

out my phone.

[AVA: Where are you? I can’t find you anywhere.]

I hit send and lean back against the counter, watching the three dots that indicate Lisa is typing. They disappear. Reappear. Disappear again.

[LISA: sry went 2 get air, u ok?]

I snort. Air. Right. More like she snuck off with

Brendan to make out in a shadowy corner somewhere.

Not that I can blame her.

But then I stare at her text, a sinking feeling in my belly.

Lisa never uses text spea‘

[AVA: I’m fine. Think I might head out soon though. Not really feeling the party vibe.]

[LISA: kk where r u?]

[AVA: Kitchen.]

The cup I’d set on the counter draws my gaze, the sticky–sweet scent of punch mingling with the bowl

beside it.

I still don’t understand why someone would just shove



134 Ava. The Party (V)

it in my hands. Did they think I wanted one? Did someone think I was just picking up trash?

It’s clear that parties aren’t my scene. I feel lost here.

Something’s not rightSelene whispers in my mind, her presence a comforting warmth. Stay alert.

I nod, more to myself than to her. She’s right. Something is off. Between Lisa’s sudden use of text speak and that odd wrong feeling that’s been plaguing me since I got here…

The hairs on the back of my neck prickle, a shiver running down my spine despite the warmth of the


A familiar face appears in the doorway. Teddy. His warm brown eyes meet mine, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he weaves his way through the small clusters of people.

“Hey, you okay?” he asks, his brow furrowing as he takes in my expression. “You look a little…” He trails off, shrugging.

“I’m fine,” I say automatically, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue. “Just tired, I think. It’s been a long day.”




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