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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 137

137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (1)

137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (I)

I need to find Lisa. @

Those uncharacteristic texts have me in a panic as I watch the commotion through the kitchen doorway.

That’s not how Lisa texts. So either someone has Lisa’s phone, or someone has Lisa and her phone.

Be carefulI can sense from Selene’s voice that she’s on her way, but this isn’t the time to ask how she got past the guards.


I need to text Kellan.

But when I turn on my phone, there’s no signal.

And the texts from Lisa are missing.

Selenesomething’s wrong

Understatement of the century right there.

All of the shifters have left the kitchen, running forward to the fight. I can hear some words that have me rooted to the ground in panic, my mind spinning.

137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (1)



The words send a chill through my bones as the commotion escalates in the living room. There’s no doubt in my mind; they’re here for me.

I don’t know why.

I don’t know how.

All I know is that I need to find Lisa, and we need to


Shaking off my panic, I make a decision. Lisa was with Bren, so they’re probably upstairs, in a room


I’m about to bolt for the stairs when the back door swings open. I whirl around, my heart leaping into my throat. A tall, slender man with long silver hair and

  • piercing red eyes stands there, his gaze fixed directly n me. Recognition flashes in those unnerving eyes.

“What a surprise. The second little kitten is already here.” His silky voice drips with malice in an unnerving purr. It’s a beautiful sound, but only serves to send terror straight into my heart.


137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (1)

My eyes dart past him and land on Lisa. Her face is a mask of sheer panic as she stares at me, frozen in place.

At least I don’t have to hunt her down.

But now I need to keep her safe. A human stands no chance against vampires.

“Lisa, run!” I scream. “Get help!”

The vampire lunges for me with inhuman speed. His icy fingers close around my wrist like a vice. I twist, using the self–defense moves Jericho drilled into me. Breaking his grip, I spin away.

Ava, noHe’s too strongSelene’s frantic voice echoes in my mind but I can’t stop now.

I sprint toward the living room, diving headlong into the fray. Shifters are locked in vicious combat with a group of vampires. Snarls and howls of pain fill the air. The metallic scent of blood assaults my nose.

I have no plan. No idea what I’m doing. I just need to lead him away from Lisa. Buy her time to escape.

You can’t fight him aloneSelene warns as I weave through the chaotic tangle of bodies.


137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (1)

She’s right. I’m no match for a vampire. But maybe I can slow him down.

I risk a glance over my shoulder. He’s right behind me, his red eyes glowing with cruel amusement. He’s toying with me. A cat playing with a mouse.

A few shifters try to attack him, but he sends them flying with an invisible force.


I’m screwed.

I dash for the front door, hoping and praying that Kellan kept his spies around somewhere and that help is coming.

Now, I feel stupid for demanding that they let us attend the party without guards on our ass.

I put on a burst of speed, my heart hammering against my ribs. I’m almost there. Just a few more feet.

uddenly, an invisible force slams into me from behind. I go flying, crashing into a table. It shatters beneath me, shards of wood biting into my skin.

Before I can move, he’s on me. Pinning me down with his body. His breath is cold against my neck as he

16:22 –

C 137 Ava: A Shocking Finale (1)

leans in close.

“Come along, kitten,” he purrs at Lisa, who looks between us.


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