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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 148

148 Ava: A Vampire’s Goodwill (II)

Sister Miriam doesn’t speak again until I’ve finished way too much food. a

“I doubt you came here just to ask about my letter,” she finally says, and I jump at the opportunity to finally get


“My best friend was taken in the attack. I want to know

where she is. I need to save her.”

Her eyes grow unfocused, and the strange men return, tidying up the dishes and taking them away in silence.

I watch them curiously as they move. Their faces are. blank, and they’re unmistakably human, despite the

odd sheen of their skin.

Thralls, Selene murmurs. Bonded servants.

Bonded–to Sister Miriam?

YesWhat you risked when the vampire bit you

My stomach twists, threatening to let go of the contents I’d just downed with little grace.

Sister Miriam’s long fingers tap against the table in a



140 Ava A Vampire’s Goodwill (1)

thoughtful rhythm. “One cannot speak an untruth with Fae food in their belly.”

I glance at the table in front of me, but the dishes are gone, and her thrall servants with them.

“Fae food?” I ask, my heart dropping at how easily I was convinced to eat my way into a trap.

“It won’t harm you, child.”

It isn’t for human consumption because of its strong side effectsSelene mutters. Damn itshould have 

knownbut I cannot sense Fae magic

Sister Miriam sighs. “Stop looking so worried. Today’s food is only to see if I can trust you. It turns out that you’re but a babe in the world of supernaturals. Eating the food in front of you is a great way to get yourself



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