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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 199

199 Ava: Magic 

Magic, she whines pitifully, her eyes watering. So much magic. It’s overwhelming

1 look from her to the book and back again, realization dawning

Just what exactly did Mrs. Elkins give me

Kneeling, I carefully pick the book back up, handling it with a new sense of reverence and caution. The symbol on the front seems to glint in the early morning light, almost as if it’s winking at me

I glance at Selene, still huddled miserably in the corner. I’m not sure I’ll be able to figure this out on my own.” 

Agreed, she says nasally, pawing at her snout. But maybeLet’s put that thing away for now, okay? Before it makes me sneeze my brain out through my nose

The mental image makes me laugh, even as I close it, snapping the clasp closed with a firm click. Don’t be so dramatic. Your brain is far too big to fit through your nostrils.” 

You don’t know that. You’ve never seen my brain

And I hope I never do.Standing, I move to the closet and carefully tuck the book onto the highest shelf. Out of sight, but definitely not out of mind. There. Safe and sound and out of sneezing range.” 

My hero, Selene drawls, finally uncurling from her corner. She still looks a bit blearyeyed, but at least she no longer seems to be in imminent danger of sneezing herself inside out. So what now

That’s the question, isn’t it? I lean against the closet door



199 Ava: Magic 

worrying my lower lip between my teeth as I think

My phone interrupts the morning with a ringing that’s a bit muffled. Startled, I glance at the bedbut it isn’t there


It’s probably Lucas

Diving for the bed, I yank the comforter off the bed in a fabulous move that has it soaring through the air. No phone clatters to the ground, though

Shoving my hand between the mattress and headboard, my fingers brush against smooth plastic. Got it! Hello?” 

I’m breathless as I answer the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID

Strange silence greets me as I press the phone to my ear. Lucas?I try again, my brow furrowing when no response comes

I pull the phone away, frowning at the screen. The phrase UNKNOWN CALLER blinks back at me, with no number at all

Confused, I bring the phone back to my ear. Hello?” 

Still, no answer. But there’s somethinga soft sound, like breathing, barely audible over the line

Goosebumps prickle along the skin of my forearms as I strain to listen. Is someone there? Or did I just imagine it

Who is this?I demand, a trickle of anger seeping into my voice. If this is some pervert getting their kicks by calling random girls, I swear I’ll- 



100 Ava: Magic 

Ava Grey?A strangely mechanical voice cuts through my budding tirade, stopping me cold. It’s flat, emotionless. Inhuman

My grip tightens on the phone, my knuckles bleaching white. Yes,I say slowly, my heartbeat quickening in my chest. Who is this?” 

Who is that? Selene’s concerned voice brushes against my mind

I shake my head slightly, not taking my eyes off the opposite wall. I have no idea. But something about this feels off. Wrong

We need to talk,the voice says, ignoring my question. It’s about Lisa Randall.” 

Ice shoots through my veins, freezing me in place. Lisa. Oh God

What about her?I ask, my voice trembling slightly. Do you know where she is? Is she okay?” 

Horrible images flash through my mindLisa, chained and 

bleeding in some dank cell. Lisa, screaming as a vampire tears into her throat. Lisa, broken and lifeless, her once vibrant eyes dull and empty… 

Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to banish the nightmarish visions. No. I can’t think like that. Lisa is alive. She has to be

She’s alive,the voice confirms, as if reading my thoughts. For 


My eyes snap open, my heart lurching in my chest. What do you mean? Where is she?” 

I can’t tell you that.A pause, filled with static. Not yet.” 


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