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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 201

201 Ava: Steve (1

Steve taps her pen against her lips as the kid from the reception desk leans in to whisper something in her car. I can’t make out the words, but whatever he says makes Steve’s eyebrows shoot up

She nods slow; her gaze flicking back to me with renewed intensity 

Shifting uncomfortably in my chair, I glance at Kellan. What I want is reassurance, but instead I notice the tense set of his jaw, the new wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, and a slight tie in his 


It’s a subtle tell, but one I recognize. He’s on edge

And that’s when it hits me. Kellan may be willing to work with these people, but that doesn’t mean he trusts them. It doesn’t mean they’re on our side

Who are these strange, unsettling children

I swallow hard, my mouth gone dry. Kellan’s tension is contagious, seeping into my own muscles, coiling them tight

What’s going on, Ava

Selene’s mental voice is too soft, probably from the distance 

between us

Things are weird here, Selene

I don’t feel like we’re in danger, but there’s definitely something that leaves me unsettled, with chills rushing down my back and 


201 Ava: Steve (1

Her worry carries through the bond between us. Be careful, Ava

Straightening in my chair, I take a deep breath. Then another. If Kellan brought me here, there’s a reason for it. Lucas trusts him.

do, too

My attention snaps back to Steve as she asks me a question

How long have you been in contact with the Fae, Ava?” 


Thrown offbalance by her bizarre question, I turn to Kellan

whose jaw tightens even further, then back to Steve

The pinkhaired girl leans forward, elbows propped on the desk as she peers into my eyes with unsettling intensity. A wave of dizziness washes over me, and I fight the urge to retch

I’ve never had any contact with the Fae,” I manage, averting my gaze. The nausea subsides almost immediately

Steve’s expression remains skeptical. Only Fae magic could interfere with a wolf’s hearing like that.” 

Glancing back, the nausea returns at eye contact, and I look away again. I swear, I’ve never interacted with any Fae.” 

After a long moment, Steve sits back. Alright, I’ll take your denial at face value. For now.” 

Kellan clears his throat. Can you look into the call? Find out where it came from?” 

Steve shrugs, her demeanor nonchalant. I can try, but no 




201 Avs Steve (th 

Kellan extends his hand towards me, and I blink, realizing belatedly that he wants my phone. After fumbling in my pocket, I retrieve it and place it into his palm, watching as he passes it to Steve

She arches an eyebrow

I don’t need the actual phone to check the call,” she says, her tone 

almost amused

Heat rises to my cheeks as embarrassment mingles with the lingering nausea. Once prompted, I mumble my phone number, watching as Steve’s fingers fly across the keyboard. The room falls silent save for the clacking of keys

Minutes crawl by, and my skin itches from waiting

Shifting to sit more comfortably on the chair, my head twinges, a dull ache settling behind my eyes

Got it,” Steve announces, shattering the silence. The call came from the general area of Dakota Sanctuary” 

Kellan and I exchange a confused glance, but Steve continues before we can question her

Your lot prefers Unregistered city! I believe

The name sends a chill down my spine. Dakota Sanctuary. It sounds almost mystical, a far cry from the ominous reputation of the Unregistered city

You’re sure?Kellan asks, leaning forward

Steve nods. As sure as I can be. It’s hard, though. That area is a dead zone for most technology to access. Intentionally so.” 


201 Ava: Blove (0

Thank youI say to Steve, my gratitude genuine despite my unease. For your help” 

She waves a dismissive hand. Don’t mention it. Seriously, don’t. I have a reputation to maintain” 

A bark of laughter escapes Kellan, and even I manage a weak smile. In this world of wolves and magic, it seems even children have images to uphold

We take our leave, stepping out into the harsh glare of daylight. The warehouse seems even more derelict after the bright 

ambience of the basement office

Why did you bring us here?I ask Kellan as he slides into the 


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