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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 207

207 Ava: Falling Again 

207 Ava: Falling Again 

If you want your throat torn out and your blood sucked dry, keep thrashing like a dead fish.” 

Jericho’s lovely training flavor assaults my ears in a way that’s way 

too comforting, considering the vitriol that comes out of his 


I like fish,I pant, giving up for a second. Lucas was right. Jericho’s been drilling me on falls again

This time, my arms and legs are tied

Because, apparently, I need practice.” 

Pretty sure Jericho’s an old sadist, but at least he chose bodyguards who don’t snicker and smirk the entire time they see their charge getting battered and bruised. Or, in this particular case, flopping like a fish

Gritting my teeth, I thrash against the ropes digging into my wrists and ankles, chafing my skin raw. They’ll be healed by tonight, but for now, it hurts like hell

Bend your knees!Jericho barks. Roll onto your side and use the momentum to sit up. Then bring your feet under you,” 

Easy for him to say. He’s not the one trussed up like a turkey. After far too long on my back, halfconvinced my true identity is a turtle, I manage to flop onto my side, panting. Blades of grass tickle my cheek. From this vantage point, I can see Selene sprawled in front of a portable fan, tail wagging lazily. Traitor


207 Ava: Falling Again

It isn’t even that hot outside. Everyone’s just worried about her because she’s a husky, like they aren’t wolves themselves who understand that she’s just fine in this mild weather. All because she pants a lot

She’s milking itbut no one will believe me

With a grunt, I rock back and forth until I gain enough momentum to heave myself into a sitting position. Well, at least you haven’t tied me to a chair,I mutter under my breath. 

Jericho’s keen ears pick up on it anyway. That’s next week’s lesson.The sadistic glee in his voice makes me shudder

Igroan, picturing the bruises those sessions will paint across my 


You really need to stop giving him ideas, Selene remarks dryly in my mind

I shoot her a glare but keep my mouth shut this time. Bending my knees, I wriggle and strain, trying to get my feet underneath me so I can stand. My muscles scream in protest, sweat dripping into my eyes and running down my back

I’d thought I was getting more athletic and in shape, but right now I feel like a tiedup sausage roll

Would you like to take a short break, dear?Mrs. Elkins calls out from her perch, a camping chair someone brought the elderly woman so she can watch in relative comfort

She’s supposed to be driven back to Cedarwood, but of course everyone’s fallen in love with her. Especially Selene, who admitted last night that Mrs. Elkins has been feeding her entire plates of 


207 Ava: Falling Again 

food leftovers

Blinking sweat from my eyes, I think about it. Yes, I would kill for a break right now. An ice cold glass of soda, ten minutes in the shadeBut then I catch sight of Jericho’s face, his eyebrow arched expectantly. Waiting for me to give up

Nope, not happening. 

I’m good, Mrs. E,I wheeze, even as my abs quiver with the effort of holding myself upright. Just need a sec.” 

Liar, Selene accuses. You forget I can feel your exhaustion

Hush. I’m trying to concentrate here. I know she means well, but her commentary isn’t helping

Or maybe she’s just screwing with me, blissful in her artificially created breeze

I’m screwing with you

I knew it

Mrs. Elkins frowns, looking between me and Jericho uncertainly. Bless her heart, but I wish she’d read the room. Or the training yard, as it were. Granted, we’re just on a vast field of grass, but it’s where Jericho wants us to practice

The point is, there’s no way I’m tapping out now, not with Jericho watching me like a hawk

Channeling what little energy I have left, I plant my feet as best as I can and push off the ground, grunting with the effort. My thighs tremble and my hamstrings burn, threatening to give out yet again. For a precarious second, I teeter, sure I’m about to 


207 Ava: Falling Again 

faceplant right back into the dirt

But somehow, miraculously, I find my balance. I stand there, swaying slightly, hands still tied behind my back, my legs bound together at the ankles. It’s not pretty, but I’m vertical. I’ll take it

Jericho nods, something almost resembling approval flashing in his eyes, Better. Now hop over to that oak tree.” 

Incredulous, I stare at the tree in questiona good twenty yards away, across uneven ground

He can’t be serious

Sometime today, Grey,he prompts, making a get on with it‘ 


Gritting my teeth, I awkwardly jump forward, trying not to picture what I must look like. Some deranged cross between a bunny and a worm, probably. Each hop jars my bones and makes the ropes cut deeper into my skin

There’s a point where I almost fall over, and I’m positive sheer. force of will and a lucky breeze keeps me upright

This is a lot harder than it looks, and sweat soaks my hairline as I struggle to keep my entire body balanced. It’s amazing how much your arms do for balance. Now that I’m little more than a human worm, I regret not appreciating my arms a little more

Or I’m a little dramatic, as I tend to be under Jericho’s notsogentle coaching

We don’t have all day, princess!” 

You’re doing great, Ava, Selene encourages. Just a little further


207 Ava: Falling Again 


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