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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 210

210 Ava: Moon Goddess (III) END Season 



Selene’s mental shout has me shaking my head, startled. I’m back, and it’s like I was never gone

Ava, are you listening

Sorry. What is it?” 

Selene stands in front of me, her ears twitching. You were here, but our bond was silent. Like you were far away

Ah.Clearing my throat, which is parched now that I’ve returned, I blink until I adjust to the darkness of my room, compared to the brightness of that magical place I was in just moments ago

Selene, what does the Moon Goddess look like?” 

Why do you ask? Selene’s head tilts, her icy eyes studying me with an intensity that would be unnerving if I wasn’t so used to it by 


I glance at Marcus, who stands sentinel by the door, before focusing my thoughts inward. It’s so much harder to think this way, and I wonder if it will ever feel completely natural. I think I met her. The Moon Goddess

Selene’s confusion ripples through our bond. She was never here


210 Ava: Moon Goddess (1) END Season

I know. We were somewhere else

You never left the room. Selene’s voice in my mind is tinged with concern, her mental words hesitant

I think my consciousness did. It was like my spirit traveled to this magical place. I struggle to find the words to describe the ethereal experience. Even my body felt real there

Selene’s worry intensifies, a cold thread winding through my thoughts. Will it happen again

I don’t know. Absently stroking the pages of the book in my lap, I think back, trying to focus on the details. Yet the memories are already fading, vivid pictures blurring in my mind’s eye. There was a woman there. She called herself Selena. She spoke to me about my magic, about embracing it

I don’t know what the Moon Goddess looks like. I can’t remember, Selene admits. Though, they say she appears differently to everyone who sees her. Some even see her as a wolf. She pauses. think I saw her as a wolf

Nodding, I look down at the book again, my gaze drawn to the strange runic text that dances across the pages. Each symbol seems to breathe with a life of its own, pulsing in a mesmerizing rhythm

What are you doing? Selene’s question breaks through my fascination

Looking at the text. Trying to figure out how I’m supposed to learn to read it.” My finger traces the graceful lines of a particularly 

intricate rune

210 Ava: Moon Goddess (II)END Season 3. 

Ava, there is no text. Selene’s voice is slow, cautious

I blink, my finger stilling on the page. What do you mean? It’s right here. Can’t you see it?” 

Selene’s ears flatten to her skull. The pages are blank, Ava

Confusion swirls through me as I stare at the book, at the undéniable presence of the runic words

Marcus, can you come here for a second?” 

The older wolf shifter approaches with caution, boots heavy, each thud a countdown to the answer I know he’s going to give. Yes


I point to the open book. Can you see anything?” 

Marcus leans over, his brows knitting together as he studies the pages. Nothing.” 

A chill skitters down my spine as I look between Marcus and Selene. How is it possible that I can see these cryptic words so clearly while they perceive only emptiness

Ava, what does this mean? Selene’s question echoes my own racing thoughts

I don’t know. Resting a hand on a page, I can feel the warmth and tingling against my palm. I think it has something to do with what happened earlier

Selene noses at my hand, offering silent comfort. We’ll figure it out. That’s what we’re always saying


< 210 Ava: Moon Goddess (III)END Season

We’ll figure it out together

We’ll get through it together

We’ll do it together

But somehow, we’re never together for the things that matter

My heart twists at the thought of Selene being somehow separate from my magic. Why can’t she see what I can? Why can’t she feel what I can

I hope it isn’t some sort of terrible omen for the future

It isn’t, Selene insists

I can’t tear my eyes away from the graceful lines dancing across the pages, each stroke imbued with a meaning that hovers just beyond my grasp. It’s like trying to remember a dreamthe harder I focus, the more it slips away, leaving only a tantalizing impression, of something profound and powerful

The runes almost seem fluid, as if they shift and change in my peripheral vision, then breathe in static form as I focus on them. They flow across the pages with a simple, elemental beauty. Like water. Ink spilled from an artist’s brush. Each symbol is

masterpiece, a work of art that speaks to my soul even as my mind- struggles to comprehend

I’ve never seen anything like this before. The runes are alien, yet somehow familiar. They tug at something deep inside me, at that core of glowing warmth within my chest. It’s as if they’re whispering secrets, ancient knowledge long forgotten by the world


210 Ava: Moon Goddess (III)-END Season

Only, I can’t hear them

Ava, what do you see? Selene’s voice is a distant echo, a whisper in the back of my mind

Beauty, I breathe, my fingers trembling as they hover over the pages. Mystery. Magic

I can feel Selene’s frustration, her longing to share in this experience. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to project. the images into her mind. It’s like there’s a wall between us, a barrier that keeps this magic separate from our bond

I’m sorry, I whisper, my heart aching at the distance between us. I don’t know how to show you

Selene presses her nose against my leg, offering silent comfort even as I sense her unease. It’s okay, Ava. We’ll figure it out

As I stare at the pages, I feel the familiar tingling sensation in my fingertips, a warmth that spreads up my arms and into my chest. It’s like the book is calling to me, urging me to delve deeper into its 


And then, to my amazement, the runes begin to move in a way that I can observe

They swirl and dance, rearranging themselves into new patterns, new shapes. I watch, transfixed, as they slowly coalesce into something recognizable



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