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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 217

217 Ava: Embracing Change (I

Those attuned to you could feel it immediately.Sister Miriam looks me over with some curiosity. Though I feel you won’t explain how this change happened to be, it is both blessing and a curse to you, as you are right now.” 

There are so many questions rushing through my head, but I know she isn’t going to answer them. She’s too cryptic to explain how she knows what’s going on with me, or what she wants from me. So I switch tactics

Someone’s calling me. Texting me. Telling me to come to the city.” 

Yes. He is reckless and wild in his old age, but it is a teacher. He’s been waiting for quite some time, and is eager to meet a new student. They are quite rare these days.Her eyes flicker toward everyone else in the room. Though he does hate your people.” 

That isn’t the answer I expect, and it throws me off. Are you sure? He did want me to come to the city, but he also sounded verymy voice trails off, unsure of how to explain how menacing his words sound, without ever having threatened me to my face

Strange? Blunt? Sadistic?Sister Miriam tosses words at me, seeming to be genuine in her desire to help

Doomsday, maybe? At first I thought he was one of the people who took Lisa.” 

He, work with the likes of the Mad Prince?Her lips curve in something like derision. You should have no fear of that, little witch. You will be safe in his care. Access to your phone. Free reign 



217 Ava: Embracing Change (1

of the city, with guards. You can even leave and see your alpha lover, if you so wish. We are not monsters there.” 

Her last words are shot toward Kellan and Jericho

The old man looks thoughtful, but Kellan continues to scowl. Pretty words, with no guarantees.” 

I sense only truth from the dhampir, Selene says, the most relaxed out of all of us. Even so, I can feel the wariness and caution emanating from her end of our bond

Can I bring my guards with me?I wave a hand at them. It would go a long way to assuring my safety in the city.” 

Sister Miriam sighs, her gaze sweeping over the wolves 

surrounding me. It’s too dangerous for pack wolves to enter the city, even with scent blockers.” 

Jericho’s jaw tightens. We’re supposed to trust your protection alone? Why would a vampire even want to help Ava?” 

Vampires are driven by pleasure. Inherently selfish creatures.” Kellan’s eyes narrow at Sister Miriam

She regards Jericho for a long, heavy moment. I remember your situation well.” 

Jericho stiffens, his face paling

You did nothing wrong,Sister Miriam says, her voice almost gentle. Some vampires, when they’re too young, they can’t control themselves. They make for great friends, being so close to humanity still. But that lack of control also makes them dangerous.” 


217 Ava: Embracing Change (1

Questions burn on my tongue, desperate to know more about what transpired between them. But Jericho’s shock at Sister Miriam’s knowledge keeps me silent

Kellan’s brow furrows with concern, but he doesn’t speak

Vanessa steps forward, taking advantage of the awkward silence. What can you do to assure us of our Luna’s safety?” 

What more must be done? I have done all this without any payment from the girl. And no gratitude.Sister Miriam arches a brow.You should know that vampires value their time. A contract is required for every transaction, and yet Ava has been forced into nothing. I’ve been quite generous, only to be treated like some sort of leper.” 

All of the wolves stare at her with suspicion, but guilt crawls in my 


Sister Miriam has yet to do anything to harm me, even as I harbor more and more suspicion against her. Even now, when I call her here, everything sounds as though she’s an ally. And yet I can’t 

trust her

It’s not a good feeling

I’m sorry,I say, meeting her eyes and straightening my spine at the incredulous stare from Kellan. Jericho only watches me with a measuring gaze. Truly. I do appreciate everything you’ve done for me. More than I can say.” 

She inclines her head, accepting my apology. I understand your caution.Then she cuts her gaze toward Kellan. But Ava must learn to wield her magic. The longer it remains untamed, the more 



217 Ava: Embracing Change (1

dangerous it becomes. For her and everyone around her.” 

How many of us can you bring with you safely?I ask, feeling the depths of responsibility stir within my gut. I had already resolved to stop being so indecisive and make hard decisions in order to move forward; now, at the slightest sign of trouble, I’m waffling again

This cannot go on

She glances over us, looking thoughtful. Two. The girl and,she points at Marcus, that one. Those two will be your strongest 


Liam and Adam both look as though they want to say something, but are too professional to open their mouths

But I already know. Vanessa’s wolf is stronger than most in this room. I’m not sure how she compares to Jericho or Kellan, but

already know she’s stronger than Vester, who ranks above any of my guards

Sister Miriam has chosen the two most suitable and strongest guards in my arsenal

Yes. Selene’s mental voice seems stronger now, more assured. This is what I remember of the vampires. They are not inherently evil, and can be a strong ally

It seems she’s been going through her own mental struggles and doubting herself

Many things I once believed true are now cast in doubt, she agrees, still sounding confused. I would be, too, if the entire world and truth around me had changed



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