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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 219

219 Ava: The Fae Ward (I

I don’t have ADHD, Selene.” 

Don’t you?Vanessa looks surprised

Do I?My surprise mirrors hers

*I assumed youWell, I’m not a doctor, only a pack healer, so I could be wrong.” 

ADHD or not, we’re taking too long. Let’s go, children. Ava, finish your conversation or talk while you walk, please.” 

Sister Miriam’s stern housemistress voice has us all straightening up and following, as I mutter into the phone, We’re all safe, and have a few things to tell you later when we get settled.” 

Kellan sighs. Make sure you call, Ava. And call Lucas too. You know he’s going to be worried. I’ve already updated him through text. Since he hasn’t blown my phone up or ripped my head off from afar, I can only assume he’s busy with the Council.” 

Got it. I will.” 

Hanging up, I see Vanessa sliding her own phone into her pocket, flashing an amused smile in my direction. Had to text Vester and warn him.” 

Doesn’t he know you’re doing this?” 

Of course, but he worries.” 

As we walk, Vanessa quickens her pace to catch up with Sister Miriam. What did you mean earlier, before we went through the portal? About that vampire in Blackwood territory never existing?” 


210 Ave The Fan Ward

Sister Miriam pauses, turning to face us with an enigmatic smile. Ah, yes. Marjory, was it? The one who died screaming during your interrogation” 

My best guess is that she’s talking about my neighbor, Margot Mitchell. The idea that she’s dead sits heavy on my mind; I’m not sure how to feel about it

How did you even know about it?Marcus interjects

We have our ways, wolfSister Miriam sighs. That vampire was not real, she continues, her voice low and serious. He was

fabrication, a clever illusion designed to sow fear and chaos within your pack.” 

But why?Confused, I trot a little faster to reach her side. Who would do something like that?” 

Sister Miriam shakes her head. That, my dear, is a question with a complicated answer. One that I believe you will discover in due 


So you won’t answer us.” 

There are some things I cannot tell you, wolf. No matter what price is given.” 

As we navigate the winding corridors of the mansion, I find myself drawn to the eclectic mix of artifacts on display. A gleaming sword catches my eye, its blade etched with intricate runes that seem to shimmer in the light

Impressive, isn’t it?Sister Miriam notes, following my gaze. That sword once belonged to a great warrior, a man who fought alongside the Fae in a battle that shaped the very fabric of our 


treach out, my fingertips hovering just above the cool metal. How did you come to possess it?” 

Sister Miriam chuckles, Let’s just say that I have a knack for acquiring rare and valuable items. Over the centuries, I’ve amassed quite the collection” 

Centuries. The word hangs in the air, a reminder of the vast chasm of experience and knowledge that separates Sister Miriam from the rest of us. I can’t even begin to imagine the things she’s seen, the secrets she holds

And this is just the beginning, Sister Miriam says, as if reading my thoughts. There is so much more for you to discover, Ava.” 

We’re led to what appears to be the main foyer, where a peculiar group awaits our arrival

Two of them bear a striking resemblance to the thralls who served me during my previous visit to Sister Miriam’s home. However, it’s the third individual who captures my attentionan incredibly short woman, standing no taller than a five or sixyearold child. Despite her youthful stature, her face reveals the maturity of a woman well into her forties, Long blonde pigtails frame her pretty features

Marcus, Vanessa, and I falter in our steps, taken aback by the sight before us, Vanessa mutters under her breath, her medical knowledge kicking into gear as she attempts to rationalize the woman’s unique proportions. Not warfism,she whispers, her brow furrowed in concentration. She’s too proportionate for that

219 Ava: The Fae Ward (1

Maybe it’s some other condition” 

Before Vanessa can continue her speculations, the woman in question speaks in exasperation. Haven’t you ever seen a gnome before?Her tone is deep and fully matured, a stark contrast to her 

childlike stature

Vanessa’s cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she quickly 

apologizes for her rudeness. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I’ve never even of gnomes. Just the garden ones-‘ 

Darkness clouds the woman’s face

I mean, I’ve never encountered a gnome before.” 

I’ve never seen Vanessa so flustered

The gnome woman huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. Well, now you have. And I’d appreciate it if you kept your medical musings to yourself.” 

I’ve heard of gnomes, of course. Even my mother has one in her garden, saying something about it warding off bad energy. But they look nothing like the woman in front of us

Selene, on the other hand, trots straight up to the woman, her nose twitching as she takes in her scent. The gnome woman recoils, her face scrunching up in displeasure

Back up,she demands, her voice sharp and authoritative. Selene, startled by the gnome’s reaction, takes a few steps back, her ears flattening against her head

The gnome woman shudders, rubbing her arms as if trying to rid herself of Selene’s presence. Wolves,she mutters under her 


218 Ava The Fan Ward (0

breath, shaking her head in disapproval

Sister Miriam clears her throat, drawing our attention back to her. Layla, this is who we’ve been waiting for Ava Grey of the 

Blackwood Pack.” 

I open my mouth to protest, but close it at Sister Miriam’s sharp look

Layla’s nose scrunches in disgust. Renard’s little runaway bride?” 


Layla’s gaze sweeps over us, her eyes narrowing as she takes in our motley crew. With a heavy sigh, she turns to Sister Miriam. There’s no other choice then, is there?” 


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