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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 225

225 Ava: Fae Ward (VII

Selene’s question is like a brick wall for my speeding thoughts. I suck in a sharp breath, my heart pounding against my ribcage as I remember the words written in the book: Your teacher awaits 

Enter the sanctuary of wizards, Ava Grey

The words had appeared as if by magic the runes shifting and morphing until they formed a coherent message. A message meant 

for me

My voice shakes. Did you know I had the book?” 

Magister Orion’s eyes widen, genuine surprise etched across his features. No, I had no idea the book was ever found. This is news to me. Realmshattering, in fact. We haven’t even found a trace of it inHe blows out a breath, looking skyward. A century. More, perhaps.” 

My mind races, trying to make sense of it all. The runes in the bookthey moved around until they wrote a phrase in English. It told me to come here, to the sanctuary of wizards.” 

Magister Orion frowns, his brows knitting together in 

concentration. The sanctuary of wizards? That’s not a term I would associatewell, I suppose it is, as such, a sanctuary. And of wizards. However, such a technical level of manipulation is beyond anyone I know who would be alive today. Someone able to fight the wards spelled within that book would be powerful beyond 


A chill runs down my spine at his words. If even Magister Orion, with all his knowledge and power, doesn’t know who could have 




done this… 

Is it possible there are others in the world who know of this magic?I ask, my voice barely above a whisper

He sighs, rubbing a finger over his forehead. It’s always possible. The Fae were not the ones to govern this knowledge in the first place. There could be others out there, hiding in the shadows, keeping the magic alive. It would be a good thing, I suppose.” Yet he sounds doubtful

Selene sneezes again, her body shaking with the force of it. I reach down to stroke her fur, trying to offer some comfort

Magister Orion rises from his seat, his robes swishing around him. I need to pack for my journey to your pack lands. We must unravel this mystery and begin your training as soon as possible.” 

Layla steps forward, her face pinched with worry, Magister Orion, you can’t leave. There are protocols, paperwork that needs to be filed- 

Bureaucracy be damned!Magister Orion snaps, his voice booming through the room. This is a matter of utmost importance. I will not be held back by red tape and formalities.” 

Raising my hands, I try to calm the situation between them. Why don’t you figure it out on your end while I talk to my mate about you being able to visit? We can meet in the middle. It isn’t as though we are in an extreme hurry, are we?” 

Magister Orion grumbles under his breath, clearly frustrated. Very well. But we must begin your lessons as soon as possible. Time is of the essence

mod, rehef waashing ever me. Can we start while we figure 


everything out? Ben just the basis 

He hesitates for a moment befice agreeing though I can sense his redactance. Selene mufiges my leg, her voice whispering in my 

mind. I think. Magister Orin secret wishes to leave the The Wart and exprestance our world

His eyes dart to the windows. There’s a longing in his expression. something yearning. For freedom?Force? I’m not sure. It’s possible Selene’s right. Being croped up in this place, no mar how magical, must get tiring after a while

Leon looks like she’s about to have a breakdown her hands 

wringing together. Vagister Orion promise me you’ll say within 

the Fae Ward until we can sort this our Please” 

He waves her of clearly annoyed Yes yes. I won’t go galivaming 

off into the sunset just ve 

Thank the SunLava miners Trogt cond of this sization before. Yes lank that would be best. The forms sicuit beHer words grow more incoherent as she mumbles, screwing EMEX FROM US Without acknowledging us any further. Her footsteps ezo behind her as she leaves

Magister Orion signs, turning to me. Lata is one of the good ones. She means well even if she can be a bitoverbearing at times

THI I do won mean by that lass, curiosity getting the better of 

He shakes his head, a way smile on his lips. The politics of the 

225 Ava Fae Ward (VII

Dakota Sanctuary never sleep, Ava Grey. There are always those vying for power, trying to gain the upper hand.” 

A shiver runs through me at his words. I’m not sure I like the sound 

of that. Is it safe for me to be here?” 

Magister Orion places a reassuring hand on my shoulder, and something warm passes between us at the contact. Something both welcoming and foreign

Magic, Selene says. He’s sharing with you

Is that way it feels so soothing, as if smoothing down the frayed edges of my nerves

The Fae Ward is somewhat separate from the other wards within Dakota Sanctuary. While we are not truly a part of the realm of the Fae, we are under the protection of the Fae King and the laws of our people. It is why we can restrict its access from other denizens of the city, and the reason you are safe here. You have nothing to fear within this place.” 


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