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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 227

227 Lucas: War Is Here (H

227 Lucas: War Is Here (II

Knowing Ava is relatively safe, even if I have to rely on strangers to keep her that way, lifts a giant boulder of worry from my 


My wolf, of course, paces in the back of my mind, snapping at the air, frustrated with me. With her. With everything

She’s too far, he growls. We should be with her, not here

The same complaints I’ve heard since I let her return to Blackwood. It’s like a madness in my mind, the desire to rush to her side and drag her back home, damn the consequences

The only reason he kept quiet during the Council’s visit is because he didn’t want any of those alphas near her. He’s still upset over Clayton, though our wolves seemed to have reached some sort of truce between us

The fact that Clayton’s given way with such grace probably helps

Alpha, there’s another group of wolves moving in from the southwest. I’ve dispatched scouts to check on them, but I have a feeling that these are Whispering Pines wolves, not rogues. Ryder’s voice intrudes on my musings, quieting my wolf for a moment

Got it

Frustrated, I rub my hands over my face. The Council had met one last time, to work over the logistics of moving forces and how to handle the distribution of our fighters and leaders to avoid conflict. Instead, Alpha Talon had come in with a declaration that the Council had overstepped, throwing a verbal bomb into the 



127 Lucas War is Hote (1

middle of an already volatile situation

With the suspicious timing of multiple rogue wolf raids on my people mere hours after he denounced the Council and said his pack would no longer be a part of tyranny, we’ve had no rest

It’s like a leaking boat, only we can’t find the damn leaks

I shove my phone into my pocket, my jaw clenched tight, as I head for the large office where the Council has been meeting. My wolf paces restlessly in my mind, agitated by the distance from Ava and the looming threats

As I enter the office, I’m not surprised to see Alpha Twilight Ridge already there. Her silver hair catches the light as she leans over the large map spread across the table. She looks up, greeting me with a polite nod, but I can see the exhaustion etched into the lines 

of her face


Alpha Westwood,she says, her voice carrying a grim note. A pack of scouts has been sent to the southwest, near the human 

territories. A large group of wolves was spotted traveling through 

the area.” 

Joining her at the table, I glance over the map. My Delta’s 

informed me. So far, no news from the Blackwood territory. It’s suspiciously quiet there.” 

Scanning the familiar landmarks, we both trace the likely path of the newcomers, and I feel a growl building in my chest as we reach the same conclusion

Whispering Pines,” I mutter, frustration coloring my words

Alpha Twilight Ridge nods, her expression grave. If they’re 



confirmed to be Whispering Pines wolves, Lucas, there’s no going back. This will be war. This isn’t just a Council blowup any longer” 

My molars grind together, and the duplicity of Alpha Talon burns in my gut. I’d never trusted the man, but this level of betrayal is more than I ever expected out of him

Did you expect this?Alpha Twilight Ridge asks, her keen eyes studying my face. Alpha Talon’s sudden aboutface?” 

I run a hand through my hair, exhaling slowly. No,I admit. I never trusted him, but this is beyond what I thought him capable of. I never thought he would side with Renard over the established territories. It seems too risky of a move for someone who claims to be neutral.” 

She nods, her fingers tracing the border between our territories on the map. I can’t in good conscience approve a war without absolute proof that he’s behind these rogue attacks, Lucas. We need to be certain.” 

My patience, already worn thin by days of stress and worry, snaps. Then leave,I growl, meeting her gaze with a hard stare. If you can’t handle the blood on your hands, go. I won’t wait for the Council’s approval to defend my people.” 

The silence that follows is heavy, charged with tension. Alpha Twilight Ridge holds my gaze, neither backing down nor rising to the challenge. After a long moment, she sighs, her shoulders sagging slightly

I apologize,” she says softly. Twilight Ridge won’t abandon Westwood in your time of need. We stand with you.” 



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I nod, accepting her words without comment. She turns back to the map, her fingers tracing the borders between territories

Renard was a cancer to shifter society,” she murmurs, almost to herself. I wonder what he did to get into Alpha Talon’s head. What could have swayed him so completely?” 

I snort, the sound harsh in the quiet room. Talon’s neutrality was nothing more than a disguise for his greed for power. He’s always wanted more, always been waiting for his chance. He just went unnoticed because Renard was always there.” 

Alpha Twilight Ridge looks at me, her eyes sharp. And you think this is it? His grab for power?” 

I nod, my mind racing through the possibilities. It makes sense. With Blackwood in chaos and Westwood distracted, he probably thinks he can make a move. Expand his territory, maybe even challenge for leadership of the Council. Either that, or he’s working with Renard for an even longer game.” 

It’s a risky gamble,she muses. If he fails, he loses everything.” 

And if he succeeds, he gains more than he’s ever had,I counter. For someone like Talon, the potential reward outweighs the risk.” My wolf growls in the back of my mind, urging action, demanding we protect what’s ours. It takes effort to keep him in check, to think rationally instead of charging into battle

What’s your next move, Lucas?Alpha Twilight Ridge asks, breaking the silence

I trace the path from Whispering Pines to our borders, my mind working through strategies. We wait for confirmation from the 


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scouts. If it is Talon’s wolves, we move to intercept them before they can breach our territory. I won’t give him the advantage of striking first. But something’s fishy here.” 


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