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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 23

23 Ava. Paranoia and Socrets (IV)

23 Ava: Paranoia and Secrets (IV)

I stare at Selene in shock, emotions roiling within me like a sea at storm. Searing heat flushes my skin, beads of sweat forming along my hairline. My legs tremble, the world tilting precariously, and I clutch at Selene’s fur, her solid presence the only thing anchoring me.

“Are you…” I swallow thickly, the words catching in my throat. “Are you my wolf?”

The question seems absurd even as it leaves my lips, defying all logic and reason. And yet, as Selene preens, her gaze gleaming with an intelligence that transcends any mere dog, a hysterical giggle bubbles up from deep within me.

“My wolf is a husky,” I wheeze between breathless peals of laughter. “How does this even happen?”

Selene’s ears flatten against her skull, and she emits a low growl, her displeasure rippling through our newfound connection like a physical force. am not huskyher voice echoes in my mind, resolute and unyielding.

The laughter dies on my lips as abruptly as it began,


23 Ava: Paranola and Secrets (IV)

and I gape at her, struggling to reconcile the reality before me. “But… you look like one.”

Appearances can be deceivingmy human. There’s a hint of amusement in her tone now, as if she’s enjoying my bewilderment. am wolfthrough and throughThis form is merely a vesselguise to help me blend in among your kind.

My brow furrows as I study her. Nope. Still a husky.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The words come out harsher than I intend, tinged with a hint of accusation. If my wolf had appeared, my life wouldn’t have been so terrible. And maybe, at the Gala, I wouldn’t have been

No. No point thinking over things that have already happened.

Though I can’t help glaring at my dog in accusation.

Selene regards me steadily, her eyes ancient and inscrutable. You were not readyshe says simply. Your path has been winding onefilled with obstacles and pain. But you were youngand they had too much 

power over you

I suck in a sharp breath. her words striking a chord

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23 Ava: Paranola and Secrets (IV)

deep within me. The weight of my past–the isolation, the rejection, the constant struggle to find my place- presses down upon me, and I sag against her, suddenly exhausted.

Selene nuzzles my cheek, her warmth enveloping me like a comforting embrace. Nowyou can embrace your destinyshe murmurs. You have learned that you are strongbut you are more than you knowmy humanAnd will be by your side every step of the wayguiding you toward the path you were always meant to walk

I pat her fur, feeling the connection between us, marveling at its existence. I realize now that it’s what’s been helping me get through it all. I can even feel how it’s a wall sheltering me from the pain of rejection. But more importantly-

“Selene,” I whimper, as pain shoots through my abdomen. I’m on fire. “Why does this hurt?”

Strength comes with roar, and weakness comes with whimperSelene says, like that means anything at all.

“That doesn’t explain anything,” I wheeze between the worst cramps I’ve ever felt in my life.



Selene stands and trots away a few paces, looking behind her. Get uplittle cubWe have a long way to 

  1. go

There is a place we need to beshe explains, and I can hear the patience in her words. Come now.

Not for thisShe stays just out of reach, leading me somewhere. It isn’t far now

That when I think I can go no further the tread nort to

23 Ava: Paranoia and Secrets (IV)


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