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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 253

253 Ava: Enforcement Division

A banging on the door interrupts the moment. Magister Orion glances toward it before his face suddenly shutters. We need to go,he says, his voice lower than normal

What? Go where?

Out of here,” he says, his words still soft and terse. The banging comes again. Go to the training 

room. Now.” 

Vanessa and Marcus are already on guard, flanking me as they lead me in that direction, not. quite running, but not far off

It’s hard to be quiet when running

Thankfully, the windows are spelled to keep anyone from seeing inside

What’s happening, Magister?Marcus asks, his face grim

Magister Orion shakes his head. I had hopedBut hope is for the naive, I suppose. I should have prepared all of you for this possibility. They will prosecute me for Florice’s murder. His eyes flicker in my direction. That would leave her vulnerable in the Fae Ward.” 

My entire back goes cold. Why would they go after you for her murder?I hiss, trying to keep quiet through my outrage. That makes no sense. You were with us the entire time.” 

It doesn’t matter. I can be found innocent later, and by then they’ve already gotten what they want. The only thing precious here is you.” He rushes us with hand movements. Tinker and Layla can contact me at any time, but for now, we must leave the city. My protection is no longer viable for you.” 

How do you know this?Vanessa cuts in. There’s no reason to believe 

Why else would the Enforcement Division be at my doorstep?He shakes his head. They only deal with the blackest of criminals. If they are here, it is for me!” 


You didn’t even look to see who was at the door. How do you know?I protest. It could be someone who works with Florice, or Layla, or-” 

An explosion rocks the building, throwing us all forward. 

Three bodies cover me from raining debris

Feet pound in our direction. I squint past the cloud of smoke obscuring my view, trying to count 

the shadows



No, waitmore. How many people did they send?! 

Move, fools!Magister Orion bellows, and Marcus heaves me over his shoulder in a swift. movement as we bolt down the hall

Half Manieter We are the Enforcement Division here under Article ThreeThirtyTwo-” 

253 Av Enforcement Division 

Another explosion. This time it comes from the end of Magister Orion’s hand as balls of energy fly toward the intruders

*-aiding and abetting a traitor-The man’s practically screaming above the noise

-unauthorized use of witchcraft-This is a woman, shouting more charges

The door’s open! Go!Magister Orion shoves us through. Ava, call your book to you. Don’t let it get into the wrong hands!” 


Two minutes. Maybe even less

In just two minutes, we went from tense to terrified. From safe to running for our lives

Portal to the human realm!Magister Orion shouts into the room as the doors close between us, leaving us alone in the familiar metal box that housed us all for a long week

What the fuck just happened? Vanessa breathes, holding the magic ball we used to call Sister 


Marcus sets me onto the floor, and I wince, my stomach bruised where his shoulder slammed into it as he ran

You okay?” 

I’m fine.My body’s shaking, belying my words. He had time to come in. Why didn’t he come 


Interference,” Marcus says grimly. There were likely more than he expected. He’s making sure 

we get away.” 

But why the hell would they want me? I shake my head, remembering how mortified I was just minutes ago when I realized I hadn’t questioned someone wanting me to save an entire pack. I have some magic power, but that’s not enough to explain what’s going on around me. It isn’t enough to set an entire city to war.” 

It’s like having three different books happening at once

Whatever’s happening with Lucas and Whispering Pines probably involves Blackwood; that, at least, makes sense in my head. Renard’s quest for power, and even Whispering Pines turning on the Council, are things I can wrap my mind around

The phone calls reference Westwood, yet seem to come from Dakota Sanctuary

And now the Dakota Sanctuary is unsafe, with mysterious forces battling over an unknown motive. This should have nothing to do with me

The only reason I’m even in the city is to receive magical training. Aside from Sister Miriam and Magister Orion, the only person connected with me in the entire city is the Mad Prince

It can’t be…. 


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