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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 259

259 Ava: Going to Lucas 

No shit

I could have told him that; in so many ways, wolf packs are far behind their human counterparts. Even the humans have run little news clips on these things. Especially the rates of sexual assault. on women, or wolfonwolf violence

How do you know this?Vanessa asks suspiciously. You said communication has bee disrupted.” 

Not all communication. Only those relying on human technology

Then shouldn’t you know more about what’s happening in the world?I frown at the Inconsistency

If I had people to communicate with, I would know. I don’t, so I am as lost as you are, Here. A map.” Acarus tosses a rolled up paper to Marcus


For some reason, I expected something old and antique, with yellowed paper and jagged edges

This is more like a smooth poster banner, neatly rolled up. A modern map

Of course it is. Why would I think otherwise

Distracted by thoughts of Lisa, I tune them out as they discuss routes and nearby cities. Ever since I decided to become a proper Luna, I’ve avoided thinking about her, leaving me with an icky feeling that I’m a terrible friend

It’s like no matter what, every decision feels wrong

But every time I go down that road, I’m told I’m wallowing

There’s a huge part of me that still thinks I should have gone my own way and saved Lisa. Of course there is. Who wouldn’t want to tell the world to fuck off and save their best friend

But her safety came out of luck, not from the effort I put into it. Not even from the efforts of Lucaspack

It adds to that guilt rolling around in my soul

Thinking about Lisa and the time after her kidnapping has my mind wandering down the dark days of not knowing anything, until Sister Miriam- 

Wait a second. Acarus, maybe you can answer this question” 

Yes?He pauses midsentence to look toward me. What is it?” 

Is your mother able to stop time?

He stares

One second.. 


Marcus and Vanessa look confused

250 Ava: Going to Lucas 

You know?he asks, the words even and calm

I nod. Figured it out when she visited me after the rites.” 

Shaking his head, he turns his attention back to the map. Keep such thoughts to yourself, Aval Grey. There are certain talents people would kill to get their hands on” 

The truth of his words has me shuddering. I know the feeling of being targeted too well

Vanessa mouths, stop time? at me, but I just shake my head

That’s a conversation for another day. If it’s a secret Sister Miriam keeps in order to stay alive, I’ll keep it quiet

Acarus lends us a truck

It’s old and rusted. The engine sputters in a way that has Marcus doubtful it can even get us to the place marked on the map, and Vanessa holds onto the door for dear life as we bounce our way down the gravel road out of Acarusdriveway

He doesn’t follow, saying he only goes where his mother tells him to

He’s a strange person

The first hour is nothing but Marcus muttering directions to himself as he makes his way through the back roads, avoiding major highways. If we took one, the drive would only take three hours, apparently

But with how the world is burning, we decide on an alternate route

I must have fallen asleep after a while, because Vanessa shakes me awake by the shoulder. I’m in the backseat, which is basically a tiny bench that pretends it’s big enough for someone to sit on

What is it?Groggy, I glance out the window. It’s dark. Lots of stars in the sky, telling us we’re far from any large human city. No light pollution here

Beautiful. The moon is bright too, and about threequarters full. A piece of my soul yearns

toward it

I can sense Vester. Her lips curve, her eyes dancing. He can’t respond, but I told him we are on 

the way.” 

Vanessa’s words stir something within me, and I close my eyes, reaching out with my mind

I still can’t feel Selene; there’s only vast emptiness where her consciousness should be

But there’s a faint tugging in my chest, not quite painful, but a definite pressure. It’s different from my connection with Selene, yet somehow familiar

I’m pretty sure I can feel Lucas. Well, not him, but my bond knows we’re close.” 

Vanessa turns in her seat, with a warm smile. That’s wonderful, Ava. It means he’s okay. It would probably hurt if he wasn’t. ThoughHer brows draw together. That’s usually with the mating 


259 Ava: Going to Lucas 

that separate us, and buoys my wearied spirit

You know,” Vanessa says, her voice taking on a thoughtful tone, considering everything that’s happened, maybe it’s time you and Lucas finalized your mating bond.” 

Her words catch me off guard, and I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. What do you mean?” 

She gives me a knowing look. The partial bond you have now is a handicap, Ava. If you were fully. mated, your connection would be stronger. You’d be able to sense each other more clearly, communicate better. In times like these, that could make all the difference. And with how strong you both are? Who knows. That level of communication might be the edge we need in battle.” 

We’ve been taking it slowmostly because of me. I wanted to be accepted by his pack, to prove myself as Luna

But with everything that’s happened, Vanessa has a point

You really think we should? Even in this situation?” 

Vanessa nods. I do. It’s not just about the physical aspect, Ava. A completed mate bond strengthens both partners. You’d be able to draw on each other’s strength, share energy. And in a crisis like this, that could be crucial

A little shiver of excitement runs through me at her words

Maybe it’s a silly thing to be thinking about when the freaking apocalypse has descended on the world, but being truly, completely mated to Lucas


My heart sings. My bond sings

I can feel it thumping away in my chest, excited at the possibility


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