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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 26

26 Lucas: Watching

Chapter 26Lucas: Watching


Her scent dances around me. Every breath I take fills my lungs with the sweet, honey and vanilla notes that have haunted my dreams since that fateful night at the Lunar Gala. Ava. Just the thought of her name sends a shiver down my spine.

For weeks, I’ve been watching her from the shadows, unable to resist the pull of her presence. The need to be near her has consumed me, driving me to break into her apartment just to bask in the lingering traces of her essence. I’m a desperate man, lost in the throes of an obsession I can’t explain nor control.

As I stand before her now, my wolf howls with

unbridled joy inside my head, reveling in her proximity. Part of me had hoped that the fact she didn’t run when she realized I’d found her meant something more. An acknowledgement of the connection that binds us


But as her gaze meets mine, devoid of any emotion, I


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feel the weight of disappointment settle heavily in my chest. She regards me with the same polite

indifference she would show any other customer, and the realization stings like a slap to the face.

Leaning over the counter, I can’t help but ask, “How have you been? Are you okay?” The words tumble out, laced with concern and a hint of desperation that I can’t quite mask.

For a fleeting moment, I see her falter, a crack in her impassive facade. But it’s gone as quickly as it appeared, and she meets my gaze with a cool

detachment that cuts deeper than any blade.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I need you to order or step aside for

the other customers.”

Her voice is clipped, professional, devoid of any warmth or recognition. It’s as if our shared moment in the garden never happened, as if the connection that ignited between us was nothing more than a fleeting fantasy.

I want to protest, to demand that she acknowledges the bond that ties us together. But the words stick in my throat as I remember the look on her face right


26 Lucas: Watching

before she turned and ran. All I can do is nod mutely and order something random off the menu.

When I give her my card, our fingertips brush together, and the spark of our connection floods through me. My wolf yips and whines. My matehe howls, and I can only apologize to him again.

It’s my fault that our mate isn’t in our arms, after all.

I watch Ava as she glides behind the counter. Every movement she makes is fluid, almost hypnotic, drawing my gaze. The gentle sway of her hips as she leans over to grab a mug, the way her delicate fingers curl around it–it’s all I can do to tear my eyes away, even for a moment.

A pang of jealousy twists in my gut as her coworker approaches her, an easy grin plastered across his face. My wolf snarls within me, hackles raised as he watches the exchange, bristling at the familiarity between them. That asshole leans in, whispering something that makes Ava’s lips quirk upwards in a smile that should

be reserved for me alone.

The urge to storm over there and rip him away from her is overwhelming, my fists clenching at my sides as



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I imagine the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking beneath my knuckles. It would be so easy, so

deliciously satisfying to put him in his place and remind him that Ava is mine.

But I force myself to remain still, my nails digging crescents into my palms as I wrestle with the animalistic impulses raging within me. I can’t afford to do anything that might jeopardize what little chance I have of winning her over. One wrong move, one slip of control, and I could lose her forever.

So I watch, and I wait, and I seethe in silence as Carlos throws his head back with a laugh, basking in the warmth of Ava’s attention. Every fiber of my being screams at me to intervene, to stake my claim and remind her of the bond we share, no matter how tenuous it might seem at the moment.

But her eyes never turn towards me, not even for a fleeting second. It’s as if I’m invisible to her, a ghost haunting the periphery of her world, unable to break through the barrier she’s erected around herself.

After a couple hours of staring at the woman I want more than anything, an older woman approaches me with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners in

14:47 –

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