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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 264

264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

How can that be?!” 

It’s a stupid question. Betrayal comes in all shapes and sizes. It can happen to anyone at any time

But it’s still a shock

Kellan shakes his head. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Someone knew every move we made. It’s why secrecy is valued even here.He rubs the bridge of his nose with a long sigh. Getting everyone here felt impossible. We lost so many, even after the fighting, during the retreat. Especially after Lucas was hurt.” 

He’s okay now, right?” 

Kellan stares at me, a muscle in his cheek twitching. To an extent, yes. Your Sister Miriam arrived in time 

to stabilize him.” 

I frown. What do you mean?” 

If she and Selene hadn’t been there, Lucas would have succumbed to his injuries.” 

That can’t be possible



264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

It’s hard enough to accept that he was grievously injured without a single hiccup in the bond between 

  1. us

It’s worse to think I could have lost him, and had no idea. Even now, the only feeling in my chest is of my bond humming in excitement, ready to see Lucas, impatient with this detour Kellan’s devised

I can’t feel anything different. It feels the same as it always does, in here.” I touch my chest, tears filling my eyes at the thought of almost losing Lucas. We’ve barely had time together, with all these insane happenings around us. Why didn’t I feel it?” 

You have a fated mate connection, but you aren’t marked. You aren’t mated. You wouldn’t feel anything. It’s either there, or it isn’t.He rubs a hand vigorously over his head, making a face. Can’t feel direction or anything else, not unless they’re nearby.” 

Oh. He’s frustrated

He’s mated to Lisa and has yet to see her

Lisa’s coming,I blurt out. She should be here soon.” 

Kellan moves so fast I barely register it. His hands alamn down man muunner arme his grin tight anaugh 



264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

to form bruises. His eyes burn with an intensity that 

takes my breath away

Are you serious?he demands, raw and emotional in a way I’ve never seen. Not even when he first recognized his mated connection, the day we lost Lisa

For a moment, I’m stunned by his reaction. Is this how Lucas felt when he finally found me? My heart flips at the thought, a desperate longing to see him washing over me. I push it aside, focusing on Kellan

Yes,” I assure him, keeping my voice steady. That’s what I was told. Lisa should be on her way here.” 

Kellan blinks, seeming to come back to himself. He glances down at his hands, still gripping my arms, and abruptly lets go. Stepping back, his features smooth into the mask of beta professionalism I’ve always thought was his normal face

I apologize, Ava,he says, voice clipped. That was inappropriate of me.” 

It’s okay,I tell him, rubbing my arms where his fingers left imprints. I understand.” 

And I do. The relief and hope in his eyes, quickly 

masked is forever burned into my memory



264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

It occurs to me Lisa doesn’t know about their fated connection. I’m not sure how well that’s going to go 


When did you get this information?Kellan asks, all business now

Just before we left to come here,I explain. A man named Acarus told us. He’sconnected to Sister Miriam.” 

Kellan’s eyebrows rise slightly at that. Sister Miriam,he murmurs. She’s been quite involved lately.” 

Then he shakes his head, as if clearing away unwanted thoughts. About Lucas.” 

My heart races. I want to see him.” 

He’srecovering,he says carefully. But there have been unexpected setbacks.” 

This time I’m the one to close the distance between us, my fingers wrapping around Kellan’s forearm. The muscles beneath my grip are taut, betraying the tension he’s trying so hard to hide

What do you mean?I demand, my voice rising. Stop beating around the bush, Kellan. What’s going on with 




264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

Kellan’s eyes flutter shut, and he drags his free hand down his face. A low growl rumbles in his chest, a sound of frustration and something I can’t quite put my finger on

Lucas isn’tHe pauses, swallowing hard. He’s not the same as before.” 

My grip on his arm tightens. I can feel my nails digging into his skin, but I can’t let go. Stop being so fucking cryptic and just tell me!Desperation claws at my insides. What’s wrong with him?” 

Kellan’s eyes snap open, meeting mine. The pain I see there steals my breath. When he speaks, his voice is barely above a whisper

Alpha has lost his memory.” 

The words hit me like a physical blow. I stumble back, my hand falling from his arm. What?I breathe

unable to process what he’s saying

That can’t be possible

Kellan continues, his voice low and strained. He doesn’t recognize any of his wolves. He’s been unable 


264 Ava: Lucas is Recovering 

to communicate through the pack bonds, though we seem to still have a connection to him as our alpha.” 


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