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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 268

268 Lisa: Flying


That explains the defyinggravity feeling

I look from Elverly to the Grand Sage, waiting for one of them to crack a smile, to tell me it’s all an elaborate joke. But their expressions remain deadly serious. 

FlyingI repeat, the word feeling strange on my tongue. As inup in the air? Like a plane?” 

The Grand Sage chuckles, a warm sound that seems at odds with our dire situation. Not quite like a plane, my dear. Our methods are a bit more unconventional” 

I want to ask more, to understand exactly what’s happening, but another violent shake rocks our little sanctuary. This time, I’m certain I feel us lifting off the ground. My stomach does a somersault, and I have to swallow hard to keep from being sick

The room continues to vibrate around us, and I can’t shake the feeling that we’re ascending rapidly. My ears pop, confirming my suspicions

Where exactly are we going?I ask, trying to keep my voice steady

The Grand Sage’s expression grows somber. There are multiple safe havens through the land. I know of one, and I can only hope it has not been breached.” 

Despite the size of his building, we are the only 3 living beings within it

I heard screaming.” 

Yes. We have guards. He corrects himself. We had guards. You never had a chance to see them, but they have always been there

And we’re just leaving them behind?” 

Elverly’s face hardens, her wrinkles deepening. They knew the risks. They chose to stay a fight.” 


She sounds angry, but there are unshed tears in her eyes. Despite her harsh words, she’s mourning. That angry mask of hers is nothing more than a facade for her grief

*Fight who?I press, desperation creeping into my voice. Who’s attacking you? Is it… is it 

because of me?” 

The Grand Sage shakes his head. No, child. There are forces at play that even I” 

His lips tighten, and he strokes his beard. His wizened hands tremble with the movement. Even I did not see this coming, child. Do not worry. It does not lie on your tiny shoulders.” 


My legs have long since fallen asleep, and I’m pretty sure my is permanently fused to this uncomfortable seat. I shift, trying to find a position that doesn’t make me want to scream, but it’s hopeless. We’ve been in this flyingwhatever it is for what feels like days

Il’e nmhably only been an hour Rut erill 


268 Lisac Flying

How much longer? I ask, not for the first time. Elverly shoots me a look that could curdle milk, but I ignore her. I’m past caring about niceties at this point

The Grand Sage strokes his beard, a gesture I’m beginning to recognize as his thinking pose. Not much longer now, my dear. But tell me, aren’t you curious about how we’re managing this little journey undetected?” 

I blink, surprised by the question. To be honest, I hadn’t given it much thought. I’ve been too preoccupied with not losing my mind in this cramped space. But now that he mentions it

Actually, yeah. How are we going to make it to this safe place without being followed?” 

The change in the Grand Sage is immediate and startling. His eyes light up, and for the first time since this nightmare began, a genuine smile spreads across his face. It’s like he’s been waiting for someone to ask him this ve 


Ah! I’m so glad you asked,” he says, leaning forward cagerly. You see, I’ve manufactured a cloaking device that’s quite remarkable. It even beats out human rahDARR!” 

I can’t help it. My lips twitch at his pronunciation. It’s such a stark contrast to his usual eloquence that it catches me off guard

You mean radar?I ask, trying to keep the amusement out of my voice

He waves a hand dismissively. Yes, yes, that’s what I said


I decide not to correct him again. Instead, I focus on what he’s actually saying. How do you know it beats radar? Have you tested it?” 

The Grand Sage nods enthusiastically. Oh yes, multiple times! We’ve taken many flights to ensure its effectiveness. I have a friend in the aviation industry who’s been most helpful.” 

Again, there’s something off about how he says aviation,but I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s like he’s reading from a script he doesn’t quite understand

A thought occurs to me. Is your friend human?” 

The Grand Sage chuckles. No, no. He passes as what humans call a little personin their world.” 

I’m not sure how to process that information. A nonhuman passing as a little person? Working In aviation? It’s almost too much to wrap my head around

They don’t even look like the little peoplehe’s talking about. They’re too proportionate

So, this friend of yourshe helps you test the cloaking device?I ask, piecing together this. bizarre puzzle

Indeed!the Grand Sage exclaims. He’s been instrumental in our research. You see, the device works by… 

As he launches into a detailed explanation that goes way over my head, I find my mind wandering. I think about Ava, wondering if she’s safe, and if the war’s reached her

Lisa? Are you listening?The Grand Sage’s voice breaks through my reverie

I turn back to him, forcing a smile. Sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment. You were saying

208 Lisa Flying?? 

Ile peers at me closely, his carlier excitement dimming. You’re worried about your friend, Ava Grey, aren’t you?” 

Inod, not trusting my voice. The lump in my throat feels like it might choke me if I try to speak

The Grand Sage reaches out, patting my hand gently. I understand, my dear. These are trying times for all of us. But I promise you, we’re doing everything in our power to keep you safe. And once we reach our destination, I’ll do what I can to find information on your friend, as well.” 

His words are meant to be comforting, I know, but they only serve to remind me how helpless I feel. I’m flying to whoknowswhere in a magical contraption, with people I barely know

I’m not ungrateful. I’m incredibly grateful. I’d rather be here than back in the vampire’s dungeon

I just wish I was somewhere where I could have a little control over my life again

And I miss my parents


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