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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 271

271 Lisa: To Safety 


Eventually, there’s nothing else I can help the nurses with, and I wander back to the table. It’s been hours. We came to the farmhouse in the early morning, and now it’s well past noon. Aside from a few packages of crackers and some water from the sink, my belly’s empty

My stomach growls. The crackers and water did little to satisfy my hunger

The Grand Sage speaks to Ryder, his voice low but clear. The problem isn’t with the individual phones. They’re fine, but the networks are all corrupted. They aren’t communicating properly. From what I can tell, it’s all hacked. Someone’s taken control

SoRyder takes his phone with a sigh. It won’t be fixed anytime soon


The Grand Sage hands Chloe and Mia back their phones. The two women exchange a glance before leaving after a brief word from Ryder. Something about their interaction feels off, but I can’t quite put my finger on it

While the Grand Sage and Ryder continue discussing, curiosity gets the better of me. I slip outside, thankful that I’m not particularly noticeable

A cool breeze brushes against my cheeks as I watch Chloe part ways with Mia. To my surprise, Chloe doesn’t head back to wherever she came from. Instead, she steps behind a nearby building

I frown, inching closer. What is she doing

From my vantage point, I can see Chloe tapping away at her phone. It’s strangedidn’t the Grand Sage just explain that no cell phones are getting a signal? Yet here she is, acting like everything’s normal

My heart races as I watch her bring the phone to her ear. I strain to hear what she’s saying, but she’s too far away. I take a step closer, leaves crunching under my feet

Chloe’s head snaps up, and I duck behind a bush. When I peek out again, she’s ending the call, her movements quick and furtive

Something’s not right here

I make my way back to the farmhouse, my mind whirling. As soon as I spot the Grand Sage, I sidle up to him, keeping my voice low. I just saw something strange, I murmur, relaying what I witnessed outside

The Grand Sage nods, his expression tense. I’ve already reported the matter to the delta,” he says, his eyes darting around the room

I follow his gaze, noticing for the first time that Ryder’s no longer here. The room feels emptier now, with only the injured and the nurses remaining- 

The Grand Sage catches my eye again, tapping on his wrist. I glance down at the bracelet he 

271 Lisa: To Safety 

gave me earlier, confusion clouding my thoughts. What is he trying to tell me

Before I can ask, the air is rent with shouts. My blood runs cold as I recognize the sounda sound that’s now devastatingly familiar to me

Battle cries

y veins

My stomach twists, fear and adrenaline coursing through my 

In an instant, the Grand Sage and Elverly are at my side. Their hands close around my arms, and I’m being hustled out the back door of the farmhouse. That was faster than I expected,” he mutters. I thought we had a few more hours.” 

You expected this?” 

Once I saw her phoneyes

We rush towards the barn, our fect pounding against the earth

As we clear the building, I can’t help but look back. The sight that greets me is like something out of a nightmare. All around, ablebodied shifters are locked in combat with a seemingly endless stream of attackers. But it’s not their opponents that make my breath catch in my throat -it’s where they’re coming from

A shimmering portal hangs in the air, defying all logic and reason. People pour out of it, weapons. raised and faces contorted with rage. It’s like watching the world tear at the seams, reality giving way to something I can’t even begin to comprehend

Keep moving!Elverly’s voice snaps me back to the present

I tear my eyes away from the battle and focus on putting one foot in front of the other

My heart pounds in my ears as I push my legs to their limit, sprinting towards the barn. The Grand Sage and Elverly flank me, their urgency palpable in the air. We burst through the barn doors, and for a split second, I think we’re safe

But then I hear it. The Grand Sage’s sharp intake of breath, followed by a string of muttered curses. I whirl around, my eyes widening in horror as I see what’s caused his distress

Vampires. At least half a dozen of them, racing towards us with inhuman speed. Their faces are twisted into snarls, fangs glinting in the dim light

Hurry!The Grand Sage’s voice cracks like a whip, snapping me out of my terrified trance. Into the safe room, now!” 

I don’t need to be told twice. I scramble towards the familiar contraption, my hands shaking as I reach for the top hatch. It feels like an eternity before my fingers find purchase, and I haul myself up and in

The inside of the safe room is just as cramped and uncomfortable as I remember, but right now, it feels like the most welcoming place in the world. I press myself against the far wall, making room for Elverly as she practically dives in after me

Come on, come on, I mutter, my eyes fixed on the opening. Where’s the Grand Sage? He was right behind us, wasn’t he

< 271 Lisa: To Safety 

Just as panic starts to claw my throat, I see his face appear. He’s panting heavily, his eyes wild with fear and determination. With a grunt, he squeezes his tiny frame through the hatch

The vampires are so close now, I can hear their snarls. They’re completely feral. My whole body trembles, and I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming. This is it

I’m going back to captivity

But the Grand Sage moves with surprising agility for his size. His hands fly over the control panel, fingers dancing across buttons and levers. I don’t understand what he’s doing, but I pray to whatever higher power might be listening that it works

The hatch begins to close, agonizingly slow

A pale face pops over, red eyes staring into the room

My breath catches in my throat, and I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to watch.. 

Then there’s a resounding clang as the hatch seals

They’re probably scratching the hell out of the room, but it’s completely silent in this tiny, cramped space. All I can hear is our ragged breathing and the frantic beating of my own heart. We made it,Elverly whispers, her voice trembling. We actually made it 

I open my eyes, hardly daring to believe it. But it’s true. We’re sealed inside the safe room, the vampires locked out


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