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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 38

 Ava: Challenging Common Knowledge

38 Ava: Challenging Common


What do you mean?❤

Selene sighs in my mind, a little huff that brings a

picture to my mind’s eye of her resting her chin on her front paws. I miss her.

You are not an omegashe finally says. Omegas don’t exist

I tilt my head. It isn’t that I don’t believe Selene, it’s just that… well, I mean, how do omegas not exist? All shifters have ranks, once they come into adulthood.

Well–I never got a rank, because I didn’t have a rank. But everyone else has one.

Selene growls. Omegas were created for the pleasure of the alphas of oldwho wanted nothing more than to breed and dominateIt was a different time.

I talk out loud, because I’m giving myself a headache by thinking too hard at her. “What about the ‘true omegas‘ they’re talking about?”


38 Ava: Challenging Common Knowledge

There is no true omegaThere are only shifters with powerful heat cycles. Some of them were known to breed strong alpha pups. Wolves and humans both tend toward the superstitious.

Powerful heat cycles come to powerful she–wolvesIt has nothing to do with their arbitrary rankings

I rub my eyes in frustration. It isn’t that I’m not understanding the words she’s saying; it’s just that nothing is making sense in my head, like we’re speaking of a foreign land.

“So they just made up this entire thing, because some strong wolf got really horny during heat?”


“How does that even make sense?”

All of these ranks are for human egoAlphas have always existedthough we did not have word for themEven strong betas can be alphas. It isn’t birthrightbut a matter of strength and leadershipStrong wolves lead the packWeak wolves follow. It isn’t rocket science

I groan, resting my forehead on my hand as Selene

tomson a homb on the antiro ranking hiararahu of 


38 Ava: Challenging Common Knowledge


Hushlittle onehear your skepticism

Having wolf in my head gives me no privacy at all.

But even our wolves refer to our ranks, I protest. Don’t


Selene’s sigh this time is so strong I can almost feel it in the room with me. Childthere is too much history to go through. Yes, the weak wolves of today’s shifters have accepted this, as this is how your packs work nowBut they were not always so.

It sounds like Selene’s telling me the entire history of shifters is wrong.

It is

I groan. Somehow, I know I don’t want to hear


This is why didn’t tell you anything before.

any of

Okay. I take a deep breath. Explain it to me from the beginningSelene.


Long ago, wolves and humans lived in harmonySelene



38 Ava: Challenging Common Knowledge

begins, her voice a soothing rumble in my mind. The Great WolvesLycanswere respected and revered by human magicians. They worked togethereach benefiting from the other’s strengths.

But as with all things humanwar eventually came. The godsfickle beings that they weregrew tired of the constant bloodshed waged in their names. They decided to flee this worldto find solace in another


The Lycansin their wisdom and loyaltyagreed to be sacrificed to ensure the gods‘ safe departure. Their souls were to guide and protect the gods on their journey

But some among the human magicians were not content with this. They delved into forbidden magicseeking to bring the Lycan souls back from the realm between life and deathdesiring their strength.

And so the first shifters were bornweakened Lycan souls merging with human bodiesBut such violation

of the natural order could not go unpunished

The Lycan Curse descended upon the magicians and their descendants. The returned Lycan souls, enraged by the betrayalconsumed themOver time, these souls developed their own identityworking in harmony with the souls they shared life with. They became Lycan Shifters

As centuries passedthe Lycan Shifters became simply known as wolf shifters. They formed their own packstheir own traditions and valuesbased on their unique historyAnd that, little oneis the true origin of our kindTwo souls cursed into one body.

It meansAva, that you are more than what they’ve told you. You are not an omegaYou are a descendant of the original magicians, a being of magic and power in your own right

Of course.



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