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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 47

  1. 47 Ava: The Apartment

    47 Ava: The Apartment

    The apartment Clayton talked about is in the middle of the city, in a high–rise that towers above every other building in the area. It reeks of money.

    I follow Clayton through the opulent lobby, cringing as my sneakers squeak against the polished marble floor. I don’t belong here, in this sleek, luxury–through–minimalism space.

    Two large men in crisp suits stand by the entrance, their eyes following our every move.

    “Guards?” I murmur to Clayton, trying to keep my voice casual despite the unease prickling up my spine.

    He nods once, ushering me towards the elevators. “For the human residents, yes. We aim to avoid any

    incidents between humans and shifters.”

    My eyebrows lift at that, and I risk a sidelong glance at him as we step into the empty elevator car. “Incidents happen often around here?”

    Clayton’s expression darkens momentarily as he hits the button for the top floor. “Not often,” he allows.



    47 Ava: The Apartment

    “But no pack is immune. There are always hotheads who lack control, rogues who seek chaos. We have to take precautions.”

    I absorb that silently, my mind whirling. It was not infrequent to hear my father complaining about young idiots who wandered into the human territory and harmed or killed humans. The Blackwood Pack didn’t

    treat humans well. It’s different here.

    I’ve seen the differences firsthand, but I still didn’t

    expect humans and shifters to live in the same building.

    The top floor is exclusive. You can see it at first glance; there are only two doors, despite the long hallway. There should be plenty of room for other apartments, yet there aren’t any.

    Clayton guides me down the corridor to the door on the left, his hand a warm weight against the small of my back. I tense at his touch, my skin tingling with


    “Home sweet home,” he says, unlocking the door and waving me in.

    The apartment is stunning. There are huge windows



    47 Ava: The Apartment

    all along the back of the apartment. It has an open floor plan, bringing in all the natural light, and even with the furniture that Clayton has provided, I could easily go bowling in the free space. Or roller skating.

    I turn in a slow circle, taking in the high ceilings, the modern furnishings, the state–of–the–art kitchen

    tucked into an alcove.

    “Wow,” I murmur despite myself. “It’s…”

    “Suitable?” Clayton prompts, watching me closely. There’s a glint of something like pride in his eyes as he surveys my reaction. “I had it outfitted with everything you might need.”

    I swallow hard, feeling a surge of discomfort at the thought of him making such personal arrangements for me. “It’s very nice,” I manage. “But really, it’s too much. I’m happy to find a place on my own-”

    “Ava.” Clayton steps closer, his height and physical presence suddenly overwhelming. “We’ve been over this. For now, you need to remain under my protection. This is non–negotiable.”

    I bristle at his words, that simmering sense of independence that has kept me going all these years



    47 Ava: The Apartment

    flaring to life. “I don’t need your protection,” I argue, lifting my chin to meet his piercing gaze. “I was doing just fine on my own before-”

    “Before you were kidnapped by rogue shifters?”

    Don’t fight himAvaPlay along for nowat least until we can find way out of this messSafely.

    “You went shopping?” I hadn’t even thought about a change of clothes. I’m wearing some that Clayton had brought over, but I didn’t think he’d bought an entire wardrobe.


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