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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 51

51 Ava: Clayton’s Departure

Clayton’s shoulders stiffen, and he sighs. “You’ll be safe as long as you stay within the pack,” he says, his voice tight.

My heart skips a beat at his words.

“I’m going to have to go out on a quick trip,” Clayton continues, and my eyes widen.

A trip? Where? And why?

The questions are burning on the tip of my tongue, but I bite them back, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Besides, I don’t need to know.

Instead, I force a small smile and say, “I hope you have

a safe trip.”

Clayton nods, his expression softening as he meets my gaze. “Thank you, Ava.”

For a moment, I think he’s going to say more, but then he seems to think better of it. He takes a step towards me, and my heart rate picks up, my body tensing


“Can I have a goodbye kiss?” he asks, his voice low and




I swallow hard, my mouth dry. A part of me wouldn’t

mind feeling his lips on mine again, knowing the passion that can erupt between us.

But a much larger part of me holds me back.

So instead of leaning in, I turn my head slightly,

offering him my cheek. His lips brush against my skin, warm and soft, and I feel a shiver run down my spine despite myself.

As he pulls back, I can’t help but notice the flicker of disappointment in his eyes, and I have to fight the urge to apologize.

Instead, I force another smile and say, “Be safe.”

“I will.” He taps my nose, his disappointment already hidden. “Set up your phone. Call me when you do.”

“Okay.” There’s no point wondering if it’s hacked. I’ll just get a new burner as soon as I can.

“Ivy will keep an eye on you and check up on you. Try staying inside. Rowan will be by this afternoon, and if you need to go anywhere, you guys can arrange it




<51 Ava: Clayton’s Departure

My heart beats a little faster. Without Clayton, it’ll probably be easier for me to get another phone.

“Okay,” I say again, with a smile. “Thank you.”


The city is huge.

Compared to the much smaller human city of White Peak–well, you can’t really compare them. They’re

different worlds.

I step out of the car, my heart racing as I take it all in. Skyscrapers tower overhead, their glass facades glinting in the sunlight. The sidewalks are packed with people, all rushing to their destinations, their chatter and laughter mingling with the sound of traffic.

It’s overwhelming, the sheer size and energy of it all. I’m used to the quiet, the solitude of my little town. Here, everything is bigger, louder, more vibrant.

I glance over at Rowan, who’s walking beside me, his eyes scanning the crowd. He seems at ease, comfortable in this urban jungle. I envy his confidence.

“This way,” he says, guiding me towards a large

department store. Its windows are filled with



They can smell your powerSelene says, calm as ever. You no longer smell human

Rather than hidingit would be more prudent to get stronger so you don’t need to hide.


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