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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 61


61 Ava: Homecoming (III)

Alpha Renard is someone I have had few encounters with. He’s come by the house many times through my life, but my parents always sent me to my room, not wanting to parade their shame in front of him.

Today is different.

Today, he sits across from me at the dinner table as my mother serves him, apologizing for the dinner- something Phoenix had brought home from a

restaurant in town. Everyone’s gaze seems to center

on me.

I can tell Phoenix and Dad are furious with me, but

there’s little point in looking in their direction. There’s no point ruining what tiny appetite I have.

Alpha Renard is an imposing figure, towering well over six feet with a muscular build that speaks of years of combat training. His brown hair is neatly trimmed and his face shaved; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a state of disarray. He likes to show off the deep scars.

clawed across his face.

Shifters don’t scar easily, but it isn’t impossible.



61 Ava: Homecoming (III)

Like all alphas, he has an intimidating presence and a confident air that demands respect. But his eyes hold a cruel glint that has me cringing from eye contact.

He won’t stop staring at me, even as he talks with the


I keep my gaze fixed on the plate in front of me. Alpha Renard’s intense stare burns into my face, making my skin prickle with unease. His eyes linger on the split in my lip, the abnormal color across my cheeks. They still throb.

“Alexander,” Renard’s gruff voice breaks the tense silence. “What happened to your daughter’s face?”

My father clears his throat, his voice strained with

embarrassment. “She has become willful in her time

outside the pack. It requires discipline to correct such behavior.”

A shiver runs down my spine at his words. I risk a glance, finding a sinister look come over Alpha Renard’s features. “I will take care of it,” he says, his tone sending an avalanche of chill through me.

Renard’s gaze shifts back to me, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that makes me want to shrink

61 Ava Homecoming (

away. “So tell me, Ava,” he says, his voice laced with a dark edge. “Why has the Aspen pack taken such an interest in you?”

My throat feels tight, the words caught like lead

weights on my tongue. I can sense the challenge in his question.

They know the Aspen pack had me. But how much do they know?

If they know everything, and I lie, the consequences…

But if they don’t, and I tell them everything–wouldn’t

that be worse?

So I lie.

“I don’t know. I happened to be in a car with some rogue shifters they were chasing, and got injured. They took care of my wounds after that as an apology.” Mostly truth, but I can see by the twitch in Alpha Renard’s jaw that he knows I’m lying.

Did I give off a scent of deception? Or is it because he already knows?

My stomach curdles, and I stab at a piece of buttery roasted potato, shoving it into my mouth. It tastes like

61 Ava: Homecoming (III)

61 Ava: Homecoming (III)


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