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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 71

71 Lucas: Preparation


“You’re positive?”

My still–smoldering cigarette is crushed into oblivion within the crystal ash tray, along with twenty of its kin. Smoke is an intrusive guest within the cramped room, swirling around the heads of both deltas standing before me.

Cheap motel rooms aren’t meant to house three large wolf shifter males, but it is what it is.

“Positive,” Ryder reports, cool as a fucking cucumber despite how much is riding on tonight.

The decision to invade Blackwood wasn’t made lightly. Most of the pack fought against the decision, until two more scouts were found dead at the border.

And, most importantly, a witness.

That one was alive, though.

“Council won’t move until we bring the official

petition,” Ryder continues, flipping through the notes

in front of him. “Even so, Silvermoon forces near the



71 Lucas Preparation

border are confirmed and ready if we call for aid.”

The chair creaks beneath my weight as I lean back, but surprisingly manages to stay together. “With this act of war, Council will have lost its authority, anyway.”

My deltas say nothing. There isn’t much to say–the fact that an alpha is willing to say as much is far beyond their pay grade. Silvermoon has allied with Westwood, and Aspen as well, though Clayton seems to be busy hunting down his own missing mate. It’s an epidemic, and I’m positive it’s all been orchestrated by the Blackwoods to weaken the packs. @

Swaying the chair from side to side, I glance at the ceiling, thinking in between rhythmic creaks. “Ryder, head to Silvermoon. I’ll contact you if we need the reinforcements. Vester, stay with us. You’ll head off any runners from the south. Our goal is to cut off Blackwood’s head today. I don’t want this war going on for years.”


Lighting another cigarette, I inhale deeply, letting the harsh smoke fill my lungs before exhaling a plume into the stale air. My deltas are on edge, too, but they wait

for my dismissal.

Their last report weighs on my mind. My elusive mate has been sighted at her family home, under guard at all times. Further, that idiot alpha brought in an

Unregistered into his territory.

An Unregistered… I’d have never believed one of our own could be that level of stupid. We know better than to consort with those unwilling to abide by the

standards we’ve set forth in order to live in peace with


And yet, Blackwood is truly that much of a dumbass. He has little connection with the humans in his

territory. Consorting with an Unregistered is nothing to someone who doesn’t care about the humans in

their lands.

Between that taboo and the witness saved after the

last attack, we finally have evidence.

Now, we have a reason for war. Reasons that will allow

the Council to be rebuilt in the aftermath, even as I

ignore all convention to declare it without their approval.

I don’t have time for that shit. I can’t risk them hiding

71 Lucas: Preparation

her from me.

In good news, it was ridiculously easy to slide under his radar, avoiding his scouts and settling all my wolves into a city near the heart of his pack lands. They have no presence in the human cities, and no humans here are loyal to the power of the pack controlling their territory. He’s done nothing to foster a relationship

with them.

Even the rogues we’ve run into have been dominated with ease. No alpha worth their rank would have allowed so many to settle in these human towns, and yet Blackwood has done so, leaving threats within his border without a second thought.

Sheer arrogance.

It’ll be his downfall tonight.

I hadn’t expected it to be quite so easy to infiltrate. their lands, but I’m grateful for it. It’s kept her safe while I finally made my move.

My sweet mate. A tremor of anticipation courses through me, fueled by the thought of her being so tantalizingly close after all this time. Tonight, she will be free from her pack.


71 Lucas: Preparation

The thought of others knowing more about her than me, her mate


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