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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 76

76 Ava: Saved

Lucas‘ scent hits me after I’ve already tried to murder him.

An unmistakable blend of the outdoors, of amber and

campfire smoke, of something so uniquely mate that it draws me in even through the pain of our past.

It’s him. He’s here.

The knife clatters from my trembling hand as every muscle in my body goes lax with relief. I’d been so tense, coiled tight like a spring ready to snap, terrified of losing my life tonight. But now Lucas is here.

He came for me.

“Lucas,” I breathe out, hope and prayer all in one, the sound barely more than a whisper. My entire body crumples, overworked in its stress.

He’s really here. I’m not dreaming. He’s not a

hallucination. This is real. Real

My mate.

My savior.


76 Ava: Saved

Strong arms wrap around me, drawing me in against an embrace both hard and warm, filled with assurance

and yearning. His hands hold me as if I’m some tender, precious thing, going from my back, up to the back of my head, brushing gently against my hair. He’s dropping kisses over the top of my head, against my eyebrows, then my eyes, whispering my name in a ragged chant before crushing me to him once again.

“Ava. Ava. Sweet Ava. You’re safe now. Shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you, Ava. You’re safe now.” His voice rumbles, vibrating his chest against my cheek. One hand cradles my head, the other runs soothing lines down my back.”

I want to respond. I want to ask him why he’s here. To thank him for coming. To tell him how terrified I was. To explain everything. But only a choked sob comes out as all the emotions of the last few days takes over, gripping my body in a cold–fingered grip of horror and


Tears pour down my face, soaking into the fabric of his shirt as I cling to him, as if letting him go means I can never see freedom again.

Lucas just holds me closer. “It’s alright, sweetheart. Let it out. I’m here now. No one’s going to hurt you again.”


76 Ava Saved

“Sir, we need to move,” a shifter I didn’t notice

murmurs from behind him.

I want to look at him, but Lucas holds my head firmly against his chest, rubbing me in that soothing rhythm as I try with desperate gasps and sobs to gather some semblance of control.

“What do you need to bring with you?” Lucas asks, and I shake my head.


There’s nothing here worth keeping.

“Okay. I’m going to carry you, Ava. We need to go fast, before anyone notices you’re gone.”

I nod, a short, choppy movement of my head, blowing out a shuddering breath, then filling my lungs again.

Another breath out.

He shifts his arms, sliding one under my legs and lifting me as though I weigh no more than a sack of potatoes.

I’m too exhausted to feign modesty, or worry if I’m too heavy. I just lean against him, trying to breathe in a way that sounds less… wet.

76 Ava Saved

“Let’s go,” he says, but he’s talking over his shoulder, so I close my eyes and relax against him.

As he carries me out of the room, I fight the urge to think about the past–his rejection, my complicated feelings for Clayton, or the tangled web that brought me here. I just want to be a boneless lump in Lucas‘ arms, soaking in his presence and the promise of freedom.

But then a nagging thought tugs at my consciousness, and I jerk slightly in his hold. “Wait,” I murmur,

struggling to find my voice. “I think there’s a tracker in my phone.”

Lucas doesn’t hesitate. He fishes the burner phone out of my pocket and hands it to one of the shifters accompanying us. Without blinking, the strange shifter crushes the device in his hand, destroying any potential tracking device.

<76 Ava: Saved



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