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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 81

81 Ava: Wounded

Consciousness is fleeting and unreliable. The gentle vibration of the car is a cadence that lulls me into a state of semi–awareness, reality blurring with dreams. I alternate between understanding that I’m safe to fearing that Phoenix has me in his grasp. Sometimes, I can hear Alpha Renard’s cruel words. I even dream of

Sister Miriam.

Suddenly, a voice cuts through the haze, piercing my muddled thoughts with startling clarity. It’s a voice I recognize, though I can’t quite place it. My eyelids flutter open, and I find myself enveloped in a pair of strong arms, cradled against a broad chest.

It feels wrong.

So, not Lucas?

As my vision adjusts, I make out the rugged features of Kellan Ashbourne, Lucas’s beta. His eyes are fixed on me, a mixture of concern and relief etched onto his


“Ava,” he says, his voice gentle and soothing, like cool water after on a hot summer day. Ah, I’m poetic in my


81 Ava: Wounded


“You’re safe now. We’re taking you to Westwood


I blink slowly, trying to make sense of his words. The events of the night are a jumbled mess in my mind. “Where are we?”

“In a small city. We’re still on Blackwood territory, and you aren’t safe here. Just bear with me for a moment, okay? You’re badly injured, did you know that?”

I nod. Yes, I hurt. It hurts everywhere. Who wouldn’t know when their body hurts? Oh. Maybe paraplegics.

“Yes. I can move my body,” I say, even as I lay like a limp

fish in his arms.

I can, though… I think.

Shit, everything’s hard to keep straight in my mind. I

wish Selene was here.

Or Lucas.

Where’s Lucas?

Wasn’t he here?

Kellan seems to sense my confusion. “Alpha is leading

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81 Ava: Wounded

the mission, but he’ll be back soon. For now, we need to get you to safety.”

I nod again. This time, I can feel the movement. I must not have nodded before, when I thought I did.

My pain is a little more intense, too.

Kellan shifts my weight carefully, and I realize we’re no longer in the SUV from before. This vehicle is different, its interior stripped down to bare essentials. There are

no chairs in the back.

How odd.

Kellan lowers me onto a makeshift bed of blankets

where the backseat should be, his movements gentle yet purposeful. I wince as the motion aggravates my injuries.

It really fucking hurts.

I’m definitely not paraplegic.

“Try to rest,” he murmurs, his hand lingering on my arm for a moment. “You’ve been through a lot, but you’re going to be okay.”

I want to ask questions, to understand what’s happening, but the words refuse to form on my lips.



< 81 Ava: Wounded

Instead, I nod again, my eyelids growing heavy with


Someone climbs in beside me.

“Hello, Luna. My name is Vanessa, and I’m a pack healer. I’m about to administer some medicine to help

with your pain and give you a little rest. Can you

understand me?”

“Rest,” I murmur, the word appealing to me.

“Yes, some rest. I have to stabilize your injuries. You’ve

lost a lot of blood.” There’s a lot of movement around

my arm, and something cold. Then a bunch of poking and prodding. “Big pinch,” she warns, and I yelp at the sting that comes just as she warns me.

It fades, though, and I sigh in relief, even as she continues doing something to my arm. “Going in,” she murmurs. “You should start feeling it pretty soon.”

  1. me.


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