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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee novel Chapter 270

Read Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee Chapter 270 – I Heard The Monster Again

“I don‘t understand. What happened? How do you know my mother?” My mind couldn‘t process properly. The anger and hatred he displayed at the mention of my mother surprised me.

“I would never have even known had my mother and grandmother not written a diary together and kept it for me.

After years of abandonment and being thrown from one shelter to another, I finally found my home, but there was nothing left there.

Just a diary and my grandmother‘s bones. The way! knew it was my parents‘ house was through this birthmark.”

He showed me a birthmark on his shoulder that looked like a bite from fangs.

“They had my pictures everywhere, pictures from when I was a kid, and after that, there was nothing. And then I read that diary.”

He stepped back from me. It was so weird how even standing near me was intolerable for him.

“What was in it?” I asked, tears rushing to the surface. From what I remember about my mom, she was a nice woman who loved helping everyone.

She would risk her life to help others. So whatever he was saying didn‘t sound good to my ears.

“The diary has everything f****ked up your mother did to my mother and my grandmother. She made my father never see us

again. She kept him for herself when she knew there were people who were relying on him.”

He was almost on the verge of crying at this moment. I was still not sure how much I could blame my mother for it.

“How do you know my mom made our dad not see you and your mother? Maybe it was dad‘s decision.”

I was still holding onto hope, but he shook his head and grunted.

“I cannot give you the diary. I will just send some things. Why don‘t you find out more about your parents? Why, unconsciously, have you been putting it off?“.

He bobbed his head as if he was questioning me.

“I will, but I want to sit down and talk with you. We are half siblings.” A weak smile crept over my lips because I knew this would never happen.

He would never forgive me for being who I am. It is so sad that he called me his sister when he didn‘t know me, but the moment the truth is out; he doesn‘t even want to pass a second glance at me.

“I have to go, I canno—t–I just canno—” Oswin shook his head to himself, holding back an urge to probably yell at me.

And just like that, he walked away from me. I was left heartbroken and alone once again.

The desperation to have a family had made me desperate. I really thought it would be that easy for a cursed she–wolf like me to find peace and family.

I rushed back into the room and sat down on the bed. I wanted to cry but couldn‘t. If anybody asks me why I am crying, what will I say to them? My brother told me my mother was not a nice person. And that my mother stole someone else‘s mate.

“URGHH!” I heard a little cry from the bathroom, and it stunned me. I frowned, but didn‘t reach for them. The bathroom is where people want privacy. I will just wait for them to come out.

“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The grunting turned into a painful cry for help. My body felt goosebumps when hearing it.

“This is not normal,” I said to myself, getting on my feet and standing on the other side of the door.

“Who is it?” I called for the person in distress.

“EHH!” A little crack of bones and a groan were all I could hear from the other side.


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