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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 123

123I Lost My Stepsister 


I carried one tire in my hand and slung the other over my shoulder, making my way back to the car. On the way, I came across a street vendor selling corn dogs, so I picked up some for Nora. She loved trying new foods; that much I knew about her

She is cute!my wolf spoke up, and I nodded my head in agreement

I can’t believe she is that woman’s daughter. There is no resemblance,he continued, and I agreed once more. Nora was nothing like her mother. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body. But it was also true that she could be a bit too naive at times

We brothers had talked about her many times, especially when she invited that friend of hers to stay with us. I didn’t want to seem too controlling, but I didn’t want her friend in the mansion. If only she could understand, I wouldn’t have to worry that she might think I was trying to tell her that this mansion isn’t hers and that her friends aren’t welcome

Because of that, I didn’t say anything

When I got back, I found Daphne where I had left her, with a compact mirror in her hand, applying makeup

My eyes immediately scanned the area for Nora, but she was nowhere in sight. I got closer to the car and hunched over to look inside, thinking maybe she got tired and sat inside

Hey, you’re back,Daphne cheered, sliding the mirror and makeun 

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back into her purse. And you brought food,she smiled, reaching to snatch it out of my hands. I pulled my hand back and frowned at her

Where is Nora?I asked, using a harsh tone

Of course, you must focus on that girl first. She’s not a child, you know that, right?Instead of answering my simple question, Daphne started doing what she does bestannoying me

Where is she?I demanded again, my tone turning colder, giving her a final warning to answer me before I got the answer out of her myself

She threw her hands down tiredly and sighed. She was trying to text or call someone desperately, but because there was no reception, she said she would take a walk ahead and try to get some signal,she finished, watching me with a bored expression

Huh? Where did she head to?I inquired curiously

I don’t know, Nash. She was so secretive about that phone contact of hers. Besides, I guess she was having some trouble with someone. No. wonder she badly wanted to contact them,her words reminded me of Nora’s agitation in the car earlier. She was busy on her phone, staring at it as if she wanted to yell at the screen

Okay! Point in the direction she went. I will go find her. Until then, you stay in the car,I said. Not going to lie, it did upset me that Nora acted like a child. Couldn’t she wait a little longer

Who and what could be so important that she must get in contact with that person

This direction,Daphne pointed down the road ahead

Okay, stay here. I will go find her,I said, stepping away from her and rushing down the road. She must not have gone too far

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I began to look for her, but there seemed to be no sign of her

Nora!I called out. Nora! Come back. I will get the car fixed, and we’ll be on our way.I added, hoping that letting her know I would fix the car soon might bring her back

Ugh!I sighed after I couldn’t find her. In fact, I had come so far that I couldn’t even see the car behind me. Now that worry started to take over, I rushed back to fix the car and find Nora

What happened? You didn’t find her?Daphne asked in shock, looking behind me. I just shook my head before grabbing the tire and quickly trying to change it

I can’t believe this girl is so irresponsible,Daphne complained, stomping her foot and pacing around, causing my anxiety for Nora’s wellbeing to rise

It just felt odd to me that Nora left like that

Don’t say all that to her when we find her,I warned, because I knew Nora would take those words to heart.. 

Why not? Why are you giving her so much freedom to do whatever she wants? Look what happened. If she knew boundaries, she would have never left like that and got us in trouble. We could have started our journey back had she not pulled that stunt,Daphne kept going on and on, angering me more


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