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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 169

169She Is His Mate


After getting home, I asked around and discovered that Natalya had gone to the hostel. Apparently, one of the drivers had dropped her off

I couldn’t understand why Cain would do that to me until Silas brought up a valid point. Now, I wanted the truth straight from Cain himself

Dad and everyone are waiting at the dinner table,Nash appeared from the living room to inform Silas and me

We both nodded, but before we could pass him, Silas stepped in Nash’s way. So, I halted too

Where did you take her?Silas asked with concern in his voice

Don’t worry, she’s fine,Silas reassured, placing his hand gently on his brother’s shoulder and guiding him aside

Are you fine though? You seemed to have swollen eyes. Have you been crying?Nash inquired of me in a little whisper

Yeah I am fine now. Silas helped lift up my mood,I had to say that sop that he doesn’t think I had been crying because of Silas

Are you sure you are fine though?he scanned me worriedly. At least these two were concerned for me. I don’t know what happened to my own mates and why they were acting so oddly with me. It was the fact that Cain never even told me what changed his attitude towards me. As if he didn’t even care if I had an excuse for it or not. He just got rid of 

  1. me

To my surprise, Cain was seated between Lord Atwood and Ryker, feasting shamelessly

The moment our eyes met, my body tingled

But our eye contact was brief. Soon, he looked away, barely acknowledging me

Now, we all sat down to enjoy the feast, appearing like a happy family. A family that had never betrayed each other

So, Dad, do you know what happened today?Silas suddenly began speaking, and my heart skipped a beat. His tone suggested he might do something reckless

What happened?Lord Atwood immediately focused his attention on his son’s words

I was at home and found out that Cain had invited his girlfriend over for a date,he said with a sarcastic smile towards Cain, causing everyone to turn in surprise

My son, you’re dating?His father’s happiness made me feel guilty. He must have hoped his sons would find someone to spend their lives with, only to discover his stepdaughter wasn’t comfortable with his girlfriend

Yes,Cain obediently replied, though his gritted teeth drew most of the attention

And you’re not going to tell everyone who she is?Silas continued

I noticed Cain’s gaze turn towards me, almost angrily, holding me accountable for his brother’s reaction


There will be a perfect time for it,Cain uttered

Oh, come on. It’s a perfect time. We’re all sitting together as a family– or if you’re too ashamed of yourself, I’ll do the honors,at this point, Silastaunting tone had become too obvious for anyone to ignore

Ryker leaned back in his chair with his arm stretched out, barely touching his food. He seemed uninterested in the conversation

Nash frowned, hunching over his salad bowl. Dad watched everyone’s faces intently

Silas wore an angry smirk, while Cain countered with a threatening stare

What’s going on? Why would he be ashamed of dating someone?Lord Atwood caught on but still didn’t know what Cain had done

Ask him.Silas folded his arms, leaving it to his father

Lord Atwood turned to Cain and cleared his throat, Who is this lady you’re dating?” 

Cain sighed, dabbing his mouth with a tissue. He seemed ready to leave after making her introduction


Natalya!he uttered, prompting his father to shake his head, as if to confirm he’d heard correctly

My heart raced again. Hearing him say her name wasn’t going to be easy for me

As in the snake Natalya?Nash asked, and Cain immediately shot him. a disapproving glance

His overprotectiveness of her didn’t sit well with me. It made me 

anxious and upset

She’s my girlfriend now. I won’t tolerate any disrespect towards her,Cain hissed at Nash, who straightened up and visibly frowned. He exchanged glances with his father and brothers to ensure they heard Cain’s rebuke for defending Natalya

Throughout this, Lord Atwood observed my face. Ryker, who had his head down, was now looking at me through his eyebrows

Dad, you’re not going to say anything?Nash finally broke his father’s silence with a direct question

Lord Atwood uncomfortably shifted in his seat, avoiding eye contact with me. At that moment, I sensed something was amiss. If he were truly on my side, he wouldn’t have hesitated

I know what Natalya did was wrong. But I think she genuinely misunderstood the relationship between Nora and her stepbrothers,he began, causing my heart to skip a beat


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