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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 189

189The Doctor


We arrived home, and Ryker hastily departed, probably to make up for that canceled date. The moment I stepped out of the car, I thought I would be fine, but I collapsed

Not quite

Strong arms enveloped me, carrying me without a word of explanation. It was Nash. He swiftly ascended the stairs, voices trailing behind him

Once he settled me onto the bed and I raised my head, I saw Silas entering while Cain lingered in the doorway

What happened to her?Silas took the initiative to inquire

I don’t know. Ryker just called me to be here for Nora,Nash explained, clarifying why he was anxiously waiting near the car

Nora!Silas hissed at Nash, motioning for him to step aside and joining me on the bed, facing me

Did your nose bleed?He must have noticed the dried blood. I simply nodded, which seemed to make him understand what was happening

Maybe we should take her to the doctor,Cain suggested cautiously, but I shot him a deadly glare, causing him to pause and tilt his head

I am a doctor,Silas interjected sharply, not appreciating his brother’s ttempt at humor


The The Doctor

Hmm! Well, then, Doctor, tell me what’s wrong with her?I couldn’t believe Cain had the nerve to barge into my room and question Silas, who genuinely seemed concerned for me

Let me examine her first,Silas insisted

But I think we should take her to the hospital,Nash agreed suddenly. I didn’t appreciate them ganging up on Silas, who was only trying to help me

I knew they were joking, but I didn’t like Cain’s smirking. It reminded me of the game he had played with me

Actually, I feel more comfortable with Silas than with any other doctor,I said, and silence fell between them. There was a smile on Silasface that I had never seen before. He turned to his brothers, even smiling broadly before returning his gaze to me

I promise to take the best care of you,he spoke softly, earning a nod from me

I believe you,I continued, and his smile grew warmer

Huh!Cain scoffed and walked out, leaving Nash unexpectedly 

attentive to our every move

So, tell me, Nora, what happened?Silas looked reassuring as he sat in front of me, his arms spread and hands resting on the mattress

I felt a pain in my head, and then my vision turned blurry. Next thing I knew, my nose was bleeding, and I sort of dozed off or passed out, I’m not sure,I explained everything to him while he listened silently, his expression turning somber

Is it because of what happened in school today?He asked bluntly. I guess Nash wasn’t aware because he looked slightly lost



16 The Doctor 

What happened in school today?Nash inquired. I gulped as I instantly started to wonder whose side they would take

The principal called,Silas turned to Nash, then faced forward as he recounted everything that had transpired during those few hours at school

What the fuck?Nash groaned, his demeanor instantly gearing up for a confrontation

Cain!he yelled, rushing out of the room. I didn’t want the argument to escalate

You stay here,Silas ordered before rushing out himself. But I didn’t listen and followed after him to see how Nash would respond to Cain. and his brother’s mention of Natlaya

I emerged from my room to find Nash and Cain locked in a staredown

I’m not sure where Natlaya went wrong in this. April explained everything, and Nora took her anger out on her, so why bring Natlaya into this?Cain’s tone was gentle, but he was clearly defending his girlfriend

It was evident that his brother shouldn’t have brought Natlaya into this 


Because those two make plans and do everything in sync now,Nash groaned. It was clear that he understood the plans those two have been naking. But why was Cain and Ryker so blind to the games now? Why vere they trusting those two so blindly

Or maybe Nora wants you to drag Natlaya because she thinks she’s een defeated?Cain suggested, causing heads to turn towards me


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