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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 197

197She Wants My Stepbrother 


Do you really not remember me?I asked, hoping she might change her answer, but she remained confident in shaking her head, indicating she had no clue who I was

Have we met before?she asked with a slight frown on her forehead. She looked paler and weaker than when I had seen her first

Yes! I just told you we met at the Alpha King’s mansion,I tried to jog her memory, though I began to doubt if I had a memorable face

How could I meet you at the pack’s mansion when I’ve never been to one?She managed a broken smile, clearly thinking I was mistaken or perhaps a bit crazy

You came to meet Alpha King Silas, the pack’s healer,I explained, stepping closer. Her body flinched at my proximity, prompting me to step back and maintain a respectful distance for her comfort

I never met him at the mansion,she lied through her teeth

I couldn’t tell if she genuinely didn’t remember or if she was intentionally misleading me. It bothered me deeply. How could neither. of them remember our encounter? Sure, Silas meets patients daily and might forget one or two, but how could an omega not remember the pack’s mansion

How is that possible? I saw you at the mansion. You bumped into me.I muttered to myself, feeling perplexed that she seemed so 



197She Wants My Stepbrother 

Why were you at the border? Why did you want to leave werewolf territory?I knew she must have been asked these questions before, but I wanted to hear her reasons directly. Why take such a risk to cross the border

I don’t know. I didn’t want to, at least that much I know,she replied softly, her breathing shallow

Why were you there then?I raised an eyebrow. Did someone ask you or threaten you to cross the border?My questioning gaze was met with a sigh, and she seemed lost in thought before responding

No, not really,she shook her head, seeming distant. I justI know I tried to cross the border,she added quietly

But–I started to press further, growing more comfortable with asking deeper questions about why no one had come to see her or where her family was. Just as I was about to continue, Nash arrived and called out to me

What are you doing here?” 

I jumped, feeling caught off guard as if I had been caught stealing from the royal vaults

I saw 

her and recognized her from–I paused, unintentionally increasing Nash’s curiosity before adding. TV. I thought to ask her why she wanted to leave.” 

Now that Nash was here, I couldn’t continue talking to her. I didn’t want to bring up Silas and potentially cause unnecessary trouble

She gives the same answer to every questionshe doesn’t know!Nash summarized, walking closer to me but keeping his gaze on her

We’re looking into her background to see if we can find something


197-5 Warts My Stepbrother 

So far, she seems okay. No criminal history, no troubled family connections,Nash clicked his tongue, studying her intensely as if trying to unravel her mystery

Anyway, let’s go home. I’ve told Dad about your injury, and he’s worried.Nash gently touched my arm, breaking my focus from the 


I nodded and followed Nash out of her room. Dad’s being dramatic,I joked, but secretly appreciating Lord Atwood’s concern for me

Really? Have you heard yourself earlier?Now that I was feeling better, Nash was obviously going to tease me about my earlier dramatics regarding losing too.much blood and dying

I was just joking to lighten the mood,I retorted, and we made our way to his car, where I slid inside

Tell me about this woman. How was she found at the border?I asked 

once Nash had settled into the car and started it up

Ryker caught her. She was mumbling something under her breath and acting strange,he replied

What was she saying?I pressed for more details

Something about belonging on the other side–he paused, a realization dawning on him. Sometimes when people commit a crime or feel guilty, they start believing they belong among the monsters. She might have thought she deserved to be on the other side with the big monsters,Nash speculated, describing the woman’s state of mind. regarding the border

His casual shift to a speculative explanation he seemed confident in was somewhat unsettling. I leaned back and zoned out for a moment


107 She Wants My Stepbrother 

My mind was having weird thoughts even when I was trying my best to not think too deeply over this matter

When we arrived, I saw Lord Atwood pacing at the entrance, rubbing his palms anxiously


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