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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

I stop crying with Marcello’s arms around me

Right, now can we continue? You still have presents to open little birdie.Demitri looks and I nod not wanting to hurt him. He pulls me through and I quickly move my feet to keep up

He pushes me to sit, and I watch as Marcello goes to hand me a box, Demitri stepping in his way. He holds out a box for me and Marcello rolls his eyes. Taking the box from Demitri I open it, inside a key, my eyes look at him confused, a car

You shouldn’t need someone to drive you, little birdie. You still have to ensure Troy goes with you. But your own car, so now if you want to go shopping you can with security though.He smiles and I hug him and thank him

Marcello moves, and holds out a box. As I take it Calix walks through, moving he sits behind me, his legs on either side of my body his arms wrap around my waist and his head settles on my shoulder. Opening the gift I smile. A spa day. I go to say thank you, Demitri pushes him out of the way holding out another gift

Demitri, you can wait until he has given me all the ones he has, seen as you don’t play nice!He grumbles at my words and sits sulking and I laugh. Fine hand it here, but stop pushing him out of the way.He smiles and walks back to me

Fifteen minutes later I have opened all the gifts. Demitri stands smiling 

at me


Chapter 204 

I don’t like that smile.I don’t. Not one bit

Oh come on little birdic, it’s your birthday, and your birthday has to have cake!I want to refuse but I won’t

I will agree on the condition no singing fucking happy birthday, if anyone even starts trying to sing that shit, I get up and walk.That would be on the high end of awkward. I watch as Demitri pouts but nods, rushing into the kitchen, a few seconds later he walks out. holding a cake with candles on it lit. 

You should get real candles, a real cake, not one you drew.Marcello smiles at me and I nod. I watch as Demitri stops ahead of me, my mouth goes to blow out the candles and I watch as he moves the cake

No! You need to make a wish.His eyes roll. Staying sat I try and think of a wish but nothing comes. So I just close my eyes and blow them out. I watch as Demitri kisses my cheek

Good night little birdie.He places down the cake and walks away, Marcello kissing my cheek and walking off. Calix is still wrapped around me. My eyes go to roses

Did you really get someone to paint the roses that colour?They are beautiful. He laughs slightly

No, they are a real rose

Mmm, never seen them before.I roll my eyes. Ignore that, of course I won’t have I barely got to go anywhere.” 

Daisy, even if you had the freedom to travel the world, you likely wouldn’t have seen them. It took a week to get them. They are extremely rare, had someone painted them I would be wanting blood considering the cost. They are Juliet roses.” 


Chapter 204 

They are beautiful.I thought they had painted them that colour

I will be right back, stay here.Calix walks off, and a moment later he returns holding two gift boxes. He moves to wrap his body around me again. He hands me the first box, it is big. Opening it, I smile and laugh. It’s a bat but with their family crest on it

When you stand with us, you should be protected, I can imagine the damage you would do with that.He chuckles and I nod. I watch as he takes it, before turning me to face him

I’m sorry, it doesn’t even feel like a worthy word for what I said. Or for today, but I am. I guess I was just protecting myself. I was scared, Daisy. You weren’t ours and I still feel like if you had your freedom, real freedom you would walk. I wanted to protect myself, and hurting you was the way.His head drops slightly

I can’t believe the words I said, Daisy. I’m just scared when I let you in, and you get the freedom, you will go and I won’t survive.” 

Calix, I didn’t want the freedom.I look at him

I know, but my mind still tells me you would walk. Daisy, I fucking love you, had I not I wouldn’t have given a shit and I would have fucked you over and over. I couldn’t though as doing that when I loved you meant I would hurt more when you walked.” 

He moves and holds out a box


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