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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

We walk into the room and I watch as Calix places Rosalie on the bed

Now honestly, what is plan?I stand waiting. What you said about Daisy is fucked up!Had she heard

Someone is sending back information. So right now, Daisy is nothing, we treat her as nothing until we figure out who it is. If they think we were just using her, then they won’t fucking touch her! So stay away.” 

Standing I stare at Calix. No, I’m not treating her like fucking shit.What the hell

Right now, she is safer with us acting like we don’t care. We need to know which of our men is speaking, the only one who can be trusted is Troy, so he needs to know, plus he needs to stop being so close with her because again, it raises questions.” 

Cal, have you considered how fucked up that is. How much it will hurt her?Demitri looks at him

Would you rather her be hurt by us, mentally, or physically hurt or even dead by others?” 

We don’t know that will happen though!Grant was just talking crap

Look at Rosalie, they knew she never meant more than sex, but did this, so imagine how fucking far they will go with Daisy. We keep our distance for a few days. Find out what happened with Rosalie, then we get back to normal, but Daisy sticks to the rules. She is a worker, someone we bought, nothing more.Calix looks at us, my eyes going 


to Rosalic

I don’t think I can sit and see her hurting Cal.” 

That’s why we take a few days, after a few days she will be pissed off, she won’t look hurt, she will look at us like she wants to kill us, so it will be easier. Demitri, go back to the club, save some women. Rosalie lives here until we know the truth. We will act like before if she agrees.” 

I shake my head. I can’t act like I’m fucking Rosalie. Sitting we talk, hours passing by before I see Rosalie moving, I watch as she sits up looking around confused

One phone call, two months after we ended this?Calix looks at her hurt. What was your plan, have the baby and pretend it wasn’t one of ours? Sneak thousands into a clinic to keep it hidden you had an abortion, what?He stands looking at her pissed off

For someone who is usually the calm one, and considerate he’s fucking up right now. Moving I push him out the way, my arms wrapping 

around her

It’s fine, don’t worry, he’s just an ass.I turn to Calix and shake my 

head at him

Like it matters now Calix. The baby is gone.Her words are cold, and I cuddle her, but right now it should be Calix, I know he is better at this than me

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound cruel.I move watching as he sits. with her. Sitting we wait for her to explain, and I wonder if she will tell us everything or not

Two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant. I freaked out, you three 


had Daisy and loved her, even I could see that. I wasn’t about to walk in and drop a bomb! I don’t know what I was going to do. Then

decided it was best not to keep the baby

Calix looks at her hurt, but I don’t blame her. Hell she has no idea. which one of us would be the dad, and we’re exactly in a position to. raise a baby, and it would just become a target like her and Daisy

I knew certain people within the clinic would tell you, so I tried getting money in every way possible to buy their silence. Grants. friends clearly found out I was pregnant.” 

So she had no plans to keep the baby

Right, how did you end up in that place beaten?Calix looks at her annoyed

They gave me choices. I ring Calix, and tell him I was pregnant and to save me and the baby he hands over Daisy. If he didn’t answer, that meant they ensured they got to you three by using the baby. So they repeatedly punched and kicked me until I lost the baby.I don’t speak, just listen to her words

Everything is fucked up

I should have answered.Calix looks at her, clearly full of guilt

No, I’m glad you didn’t! I wasn’t going to keep the baby Calix, even if you knew and said to. So you letting them take Daisy and killing her for a baby I wouldn’t keep, would be wrong.” 

It was your choice, even if you had chosen that, it is still wrong.Demitri looks at her

I’m guessing they are dead?She looks at us




I sent some guys to track them down and deal with them. For now we will stay in and appear to be taking time to help you heal.Calix. explains

This is in case the guy is watching right?” 

We all look at her now

One of them mentioned an inside spy, they knew Daisy was close to you guys so they planned to kill her if you took her to them.” 

I listen to her words and consider if Calix is right in saying we keep our distance

Did anything else get said?Calix asks

Just that for now I will keep you occupied, but their main target is Daisy to hurt you three. Only they said the plan for Daisy won’t be quick.” 

Which is why I said we stay away; now do you agree?Calix looks at us. I want to nod, but the thought of her hurting over us scares me. You two have a choice, we hurt her, and keep our distance or they see she is our weakness and she is dead.Calix states

Fine, what’s the plan?I look at him

The plan is for a few days we stay in here. I will email her orders, we keep our distance, then you two won’t fall at your knees and feel bad for her hurting her. With Rosalie’s approval, we go back to how we were, but Rosalie stays here. She was only a target because of the baby. The plan is, whoever it is watching, sees we’re back with Rosalie, are distance with Daisy and looking like we don’t care, so they take Daisy off the table. At least until we find out who it is.” 


Chapter 211 


I will agree.Rosalic looks at us. I have heard enough to know what Daisy has been through already, you have all told me enough to know she doesn’t deserve to be hurt more.Wow. I didn’t think she would 


What about her staying here, that’s different from before, how do we know they won’t see her as a target?I don’t want Rosalie getting involved more

Everyone will know she is here to recover, it won’t be more than at week. We will find out who it is quickly.Calix states confidently, but I don’t see how we can figure this out quick when we’re blind. We spend time talking, figuring out the plan going forward

The next three days we hide away. The few times I see Daisy it is clear she is hurting, I am glad we stay hidden as seeing her all day constantly looking hurt I am likely to cuddle her which fucks up part of this plan


Day four, and I look at Calix, I know we can’t hide from her anymore, we have to go out there. Hiding from Daisy means hiding from the guards, and it is one of them who is leaking information. Walking out we go to Troy

You’re Rosalie’s guard, when she is well enough to go home you will. go with her. Let the others know, as it means everyone will shift positions.Calix explains and I see Daisy looking at us, her eyes full of hurt and I see Calix’s arm around Rosalie, maybe we shouldn’t do this

Walking to the table with sit, me and Calix on either side of Rosalie, sitting we talk. Keeping Daisy out of our conversation. It’s hard, already I am struggling, so I don’t know if I can do this all week until we figure out who is leaking information. Even if I manage to, even I can see she is hurt, past the point of forgiveness



After eating we sit and talk, Rosalie laughing with Calix. I really can’t do this. I thought I could, but this is brutal

Clean up Daisy, then back to the list I sent you. Also, those jewellery pieces, put them in the boxes and leave them on the table please.Calix says bluntly as he pulls Rosalie up from the table. Pain burning through Daisy as she nods and tears fill her eyes

I’m going out.I stand up, Calix stopping me. Let me go, now!I glare at him and see him step back, walking out I go to the bike. Getting on it, I head for the club. As I stop outside I see Demitri stop beside me

I just need to do something.My words are quiet

No, you need to remind yourself everytime you see her hurt, that is better than fucking dead. I will stay with you, then we go back, and you stick to the plan Marc, otherwise people are going to know.I dont answer him, instead I walk into the club

Do you need the business room Marcello?Adam looks at me, and I shake my head

No, I need a willing opponent, anyone, I don’t care who.” 

Only your brothers are willing opponents, but I will find someone.He laughs and walks away

Marc, consider this. You go back all beaten that will hurt her more.Demitri steps in my way

I’m not 

him give 

a shit about how she lacks reworked 


him out of the way, I walk to the box, Adam pointing to a guy. I step into the square, and we move, he swings and hits me while I don’t even attempt to block. He looks at Adam. Yeah, I’m meant to fight but right 


Chapter 211 

now I don’t feel like doing shit other than letting him hit me. I watch as he swings again, getting even more freaked out when I don’t even try to 


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