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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 

Days have passed the same. They are avoiding me, and I have watched how close Rosalic is to them. They will be fucking her, I know they will. Nothing Seems to change it. Today we went out to meet the wolversons. They are like the devils and run their own city

I watch as they greet them, and then we get sent out of the room while they talk. I don’t know what is happening. I keep looking at places with the beach and sun, just so I can dream of the days I escape the Devils

I look at my phone, considering everything. I had received a text message two days ago from my parents. I ignored it, but now I wonder if maybe I should agree with them. If I agreed, they would get me out of this city, away from the devils. I know Calix sorted another contract. and signed it, so if I find it, I can sign and I’m free

The word free makes me want to, just so I can escape these three and Rosalie. I could have lived here with them never wanting me, but seeing Calix constantly cuddled against Rosalie hurts. I need a drink, again. I seem to be drinking every night. A message comes through from Calix saying Here

Walking down I hear moans, as I reach the bottom of the stairs I freeze, my eyes widening as I see Rosalie wrapped around Calix, their hips moving faster as he groans. I watch as he sees me, I expect him to stop, and apologise, instead, he shouts at me to fuck off

Rushing to my room I close and lock the door. I had thought to myself that they were fucking her. Part of me didn’t believe it though, and thinking it didn’t hurt nearly as much as seeing Calix and her. He never wanted me, not once did he touch me or fuck me. Maybe I just 

not once did he touch me or fu 

Chapter 213 

was a fool? Why would he message me to go down

Picking up the phone I hit the message

I agree. How do we meet

I hit send on the message, watching as it goes through. I just want to get away from here. A message comes through and I read it

Meet at the clinic tomorrow, at 10:30 a.m. I already booked your appointment for eleven. Sit with your back to me, we will discuss things

Tomorrow, how am I meant to get them to agree? I need to go back down, hope that Calix isn’t fucking her and tell him. I watch time pass by as I drink, too much once again but it helps me sleep. I walk down and see Calix and Marcello sitting together, neither look at me as I walk towards them.. 

I need to leave tomorrow. I have an appointment at the clinic and need. to be there at 10:30.I wait wondering if they will look at me. My body is tired, but not as much as my mind. Calix glances up from his. laptop

I will have some of the guys take you. We need to stay with Rosalie. You follow their orders when you leave.His words are harsh and I nod, not wanting to talk I rush back through to my room. I know right now nothing will make things go back to how they were. Calix hating. me is nothing, he hated me before and barely gave me a chance

Marcello and Demitri though, they wanted me. My head shakes at myself. They didn’t, I don’t know why they acted like they did, but it’s clear they didn’t. Once again, I feel myself falling asleep, cuddling against the pillow. Somehow, Dean owning me was less painful, and now I feel like if I could choose, I would go back. I would take Richard



and his sick ways over the way this all hurts

Waking. I get ready, it’s only eight. Sitting I stay hidden in my bedroom and drink, it seems to make everything more liveable. At half past nine, I walk down. I sit on the chair, and Calix looks up from his laptop to me. His eyes seem to be inspecting me, but I don’t care. I will go here, find out the plan then come back and hide again

He doesn’t take his eyes off me for a minute, before he stands, and orders the others to follow him, saying it’s important. I watch as they follow him through to the office. I don’t know how long it will be before we need to set off. I rest my head on my arm, I could easily fall asleep, maybe I drank too much this morning? I zone out as the next thing I remember is Calix shouting at me. Jumping up I look at him

Straight there and back. Listen to what they say, and follow orders. I mean it!I shrug my shoulders, not caring, and his eyes roll

D. I’m going with them as right now she doesn’t look like she will behave,Calix states and I laugh

Scared I will try run? Don’t worry I don’t have anything worthy of burning.My words are cold, and he pushes me out of the door. He doesn’t speak as we walk down and get into the car, the other guys sitting with us

Aiden, you go in. Stand at the exit, watch everyone!Calix looks at Aiden and he nods as I get out. Calix grasping my wrist


Or what? You will punish me? Like I care.I pull away from him and walk in. I see her, she is wearing a hat that hides her face. Walking over I sit on the chair directly behind her


Daisy. Don’t speak. He will see your mouth moving. Cough for yes, silence for no.I do a fake cough. Later today, there will be an issue. The devils will rush out taking their main guys. At that point, go into the offices and find your contract. I sent the original back, he already signed it, so take it. Do you understand?” 

I cough quietly. I can do that

You don’t keep it Daisy. Throw it, then someone will get it out of the trash outside. We need to make sure you’re protected, so you will be signed back to us.Wait, that isn’t freedom! Do you understand?I can’t reply, how the hell can I? She said I would be free if she signs taking me, then I’m not free. I feel tears build in my eyes

Daisy, you have no way to escape without us. Even if you have that contract, you are not going to get away. You have my word, I will let you go. Do you agree?I will be away from them, so right now, why not? I cough again

Okay, one of their men will hand you something tomorrow night. Take it and read it. That will be helpful to get you to us. We won’t. leave the city, we have a place to hide.” 

I look up to Aiden, his eyes looking towards the office

Who is we?My words are quiet, screw this not talking

Someone called Richard. He will be the one collecting the contract from the bin.Wait, I go to turn hearing the nurse call my name. I’m not doing that, I’m not a fucking fool, Richard will change it to have 

his name

Standing I walk through, the nurse doing the usual checks and checking my contraception and everything else before sending me on 


my way. Walking back out my mother is gone. I can’t do it, I can’t trust Richard not to put his name on that contract

I sit in the car quietly and Calix seems busy on his phone. I have no escape. The thought of living like this for years scares me. I’m barely surviving now, how bad will be after months? The car stops and we go in, I walk to my room, not giving anyone a chance to argue


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