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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 

Days have passed since my mistake. Demitri and Marcello have barely left the room and neither have spoken to me. I’ve watched a few times

as they pushed Calix out warning him to stay away from me. The weird thing is, I miss Calix. I don’t even know why or how, but I do. thing is, I miss Calix. I don’t even 

We need to talk.Marcello sits with me

Talk? Not shout?I expected him to shout now I am awake properly

Cub, there are some things you don’t know.He looks at me

Before we get into that actually.Demitri walks to me and stands. beside my bed. How many times have you tried to do this?He looks at me waiting. We need to know little birdie, so we can plan the way forward.” 

I laugh, shaking my head. Really? I never have. It was the first time, and I don’t need help. I’m not depressed or suicidal.They are looking. at me like I’m batshit crazy, I’m not

Then why now and never before?Demitri stands waiting

I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking. Normally I don’t drink, I drank, every day, all day. Then I just kept thinking about how you three had pushed me out. I had let you guys in, the first people ever since my parents and you hurt me worse than anyone. Then I saw the email and decided I was choosing not to be sold on.” 

They stand and listen to me, taking in my words


Chapter 218 

We’re sorry, there is a lot you don’t know. We thought keeping you away from us, and making you look like a no one would help.Marcello explains. Now, are you ready to come down and cat? Or are you staying in here?He looks at me

I shake my head, I don’t feel ready to face the world right now. Demitri walks out and Marcello kisses my check briefly

I will bring you breakfast up.He smiles before walking out of the room, the door clicking closed as he does. Standing I look around me, know what I did was crazy. It would be over twenty years of my life lost, wasted on others. I don’t have many years left until the contract is void, I need to fight until then

Walking to the walkin closet I get changed before walking to the 

dance studio and deciding to dance. To do something that might make me feel like myself. To do something that releases all the emotions, and the pain that comes with these men

I still have no idea what is happening, why now they suddenly seem to care again, and I’m not sure I even want to know. I try and forget it as I begin to dance, trying to just forget who I am for now, even if I only forget for a bit, it will be worth it. After a short while, I hear the door, spinning I face Calix

I understand if you hate me. If you scream at me to get out. I wouldn’t blame you if you shouted my brothers in here to save you from me. Just let me explain, please.He steps towards me waiting, the music still plays as I stay frozen on the spot, my heart breaking

Things went bad with Grant. He told us about how people see you as a target, one that if they take it will bring us down. We brought Rosalie back here yes, not for us, but because Grant told us something.His head drops and he continues speaking. Rosalie had rang me and



Chapter 218 

ignored her, which is my fault. She was pregnant Daisy, trying to find money to silence people at the clinic not to speak when she went. Grant found out, if there is one thing this city knows is if anything. would top any woman it would be a child.” 

He sighs and I can see guilt on his face

Is Rosalie okay?I hope she is

She is fine, she never wanted the baby but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t wrong for them to hurt her to get to us. Destroying something innocent. Seeing what they did to Rosalie to get us, we knew your fate would be worse. I thought making you look like a slave, and nothing more than a contract would help. I thought it would save you from hurting, but I just did that in worse ways. We have a mole in our security, hence we did it here, they never touched Rosalie Daisy.” 

What?I stare at him

Marcello and Demitri. Actually, Marcello refused to let her near him. So if you’re hiding from them through fear, they didn’t do anything. I know I did, and I swear I never sent that message that night.He looks 

up at me

I love you Daisy, more than I wanted to admit. I pushed you out 

through fear that was never a lie. I don’t even know why I slept with Rosalie, but I can tell you right now, that she is gone. Never to return. She was the one who sent the email.” 

CalixHis hand goes up


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