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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 221

Chapter 221 

The past few weeks have been awful, but I’m hopeful that today things. turn around. I mean, they have to right? Daisy is better, we know who the mole is, and from her screams last night, Calix is no longer been an ignorant ass

So today, we get our mole and I will make him speak. Getting washed I can’t help but smile, I walk out and cook, the guards on the door watching

You lot can wait outside. We’re discussing business today. Troy, you stay. Then what they need to know you can tell.I watch as they nod and the guards leave. Troy stays standing quietly, his eyes fixed ahead

As I’m just finishing up cooking I hear them come down. I carry the plates through and see Daisy. She looks happy, probably happier than she has ever been, I’m glad things are going ahead now. Troy stays fixed with his eyes forward

Something is off

What?His head shakes. He nods towards Daisy. Why won’t he speak? I look at Daisy. Daisy?I look at her, and she begins a conversation. I watch as Troy takes out his phone and sends a message. Marcello and Calix not missing the looks we’re passing. Troy shakes his head, stopping them from asking

I continued talking to Daisy about her favourite colour and if she wanted her room that colour. I read the message just in time to see Marcello and Demitri freeze. My eyes scan around


Okay, new plan. We’re going out, fuck knows where, shopping, something. While out we will get the place checked

I read the message from Calix and nod

So, shopping little birdie?I smile at Daisy, we can’t talk business. We can’t talk about shit, apparently, Ryan said he was to take over last night, so he’s been in. No doubt placing a bug or something to listen 

  1. in

So we sit like we normally do but ignore all business. Which isn’t. good. I wanted to get Ryan now. today. Not later. After breakfast we leave. take the closest guards with us, and have someone sweep the apartment. We take my little birdie shopping, just to distract her and so then we can talk. We spent over two hours shopping before getting, the 


Going in we send out the guards. I watch as Calix sits, his eyes on Trov

Look, he said you messaged telling him to take over. I figured I would. let him and then you can use whatever it is. Plus, me fighting him on it would mean he knew I knew.” 

He’s right Cal, can’t kill a man for that.” He can’t, Daisy looks at ust 


Okay, Troy, watch Daisy. No one in, no one out. We will grab Ryan and sort things and get answers.Calix stands, kissing Daisy on the cheek before we leave. Walking to the car park, Ryan stands there guarding the entrance. He watches as we walk towards him

I stop, turning to the locked door that leads to my room. I unlock it, smiling when I see his eyes widen. He knows we know. He goes to run but Marcello grips his neck and throws him back towards me. He gets 


Chapter 221 


up and goes to run again, Calix this time grabbing him. His fist connects with Ryan’s face before he throws him through the door

We follow, watching as Calix drags him up the stairs to my room. There are no words spoken. To be fair, I would be surprised if anyone spoke right now. Calix looks like death, his eyes darkened, and he is ready for blood

Unlucky for Ryan, it’s his blood that Calix wants. I want to play with. him, but I don’t think I will get to, it seems like Calix is finally letting down the veil of darkness and getting his hands bloody again. Calix pushes him down, fastening his hands to the table

Now talk, everything.He doesn’t even ask a specific question, which shows he isn’t about to be played. Ryan looks between us, he needs to speak, it might be less painful if he does. He stays quiet, keeping his mouth shut and I tut. Being one of our guards, I thought he smarter, apparently not. I watch as Calix moves, chopping off one of his fingers. Ryan screams and thrashes against the table. Slowly hist scream turns to sob


Okay.His word is quiet. I was approached. Asked if I was willing to send back information on you guys. I don’t know who it goes to. It all gets sent encrypted. They wanted to know how close you were to Daisy. If you have given in to her. They wanted to know your usual routines, security, and such.” 

Who?Calix places the blade against his finger

I know nothing else, I swear.His words are loud, but not convincing enough, I watch as the blade slams down and he loses another finger. Swearing and calling us devils, which just makes me smile

We’re devils, so you should be aware, that devils never stop. Never quit, and don’t burn in the inferno we just walk through it, now speak.” 


Chapter 221 

My words taunt him and he nods, he looks like he might puke, or pass out, either isn’t good

They are using Daisy.” 

We know that already!Calix’s anger grows and the knife swings removing another finger. Ryan screams again, trying to break free, it’s a useless attempt to escape, my restraints aren’t toys

I don’t mean just by taking her and hurting her. She agreed. She met someone at the clinic and agreed to help them take you down. She agreed to help.” 

I shake my head, and Calix’s anger grows. She wouldn’t

Really, or is that a fucking lie?Calix moves holding his hand down. If I’m not convinced, you lose your hand.He seethes

I swear, that’s what that message was for. To get you out so she could get into your office and get the stuff they needed.I watch as Calix swings the sword, one clean swipe and his hand is off. I watch him pass out

Cauterise him. Then we go get her.Calix’s eyes are full of hate, I walk to Ryan and burn his wound, ensuring he doesn’t bleed out before we get back. Moving I wrap more chains around him and strap him down so he has no chance of escaping

Box it.Calix throws the hand at me. Nodding I place it in a box, and he takes it, walking out

Erm, who are we sending a warning to?I look at Marcello confused, usually, we box a body part as a warning

Cal?Marc rushes after him as I follow. CallMarcello screams and 


Chapter 221 

he stops, turning to face us. What are you going to do?Marcello looks at him hurt.. 

Show her what her future is.I watch as Calix marches off. Marcello standing confused. As much as I feel I love Daisy, I’m not sure I should stop Calix. Marcello looks at me, waiting for me to explain


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