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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224 

We leave her parents clean. No blood, nothing. They swear they have nothing to do with us, but I know they are lying. Apparently, Daisy misunderstood them, they just wanted to save her from us. It’s a load of bullshit, but right now we need to focus on Ryan

Her parents won’t be making moves anytime soon. They needed Daisy to win, and now that they don’t have her. So they need time to replan and organise what is next. It gives us time to watch and find out who they are talking to

Richard, we need to pay him a visit, regardless of if he is taking part or not. He needs to pay for how he treated Daisy and no doubt he would do it all again if he got his hands on her. That scares me, she acted like what Richard did was nothing, but we all know it was everything

It broke her and changed her in ways even we didn’t fully notice or understand. The longer she spent with us though, the more we see just how broken she is. She acts strong, but her eyes say something. different. Today proved that, and while I was ready to hurt her, I was smiling inside because she finally stood up for herself. I sigh and Marcello looks at me

What’s wrong brother?His eyes go back to the road

Just thinking. Today, was the first real reaction she has had. Sure I gave her a hand in a box, but throughout everything, she never reacted, may have cried, but not enough to show her true feelings.” 

Cal, don’t get caught up in that shit. That’s the sort of thing that will rip you apart. She is safe now.His words are true, but I can’t ignore it

She shows emotion, but most of the time it is her wanting attention, wanting us. When we ignored her sure she was hurt, but she stayed quiet. Today, was raw. It was a side to her she keeps hidden, no doubt because she would be beaten down with her past owners if she tried it

You’re still thinking it brother, I can see.I laugh at his words. Once we sort this, we have a list of people to visit. Dean is one. I plan to take every single one of those women he has bought from him, before leaving him with nothing. Maybe even not his wife

Evil plans can wait.He looks at me

You know me so well.I chuckle slightly. It makes me smile though, thinking of tearing Dean down and taking everything as payback for Daisy. Sure, he was within his rights, but that doesn’t make it right

Okay enough!Marcello shouts and I turn to look at him confused. You’re tapping your fingers, obsessing, that isn’t good Cal, last time. you did that, things went wrong.” 

Nothing went wrong.I glare at him

No, but many people died, and you nearly got stuck on the dark side. For now, let’s concentrate on the issues we face, then after if you want blood and revenge we do it together.He looks at me waiting for my confirmation. I give in and nod, this isn’t like me

I’m calm, normally I’m the one who tells them to back off and take

time out

What is happening to me?The words escape before I can stop them, and he laughs

Cal, you’re in love, you want to make everyone hurt, who hurt her. It’s normal, but right now let’s concentrate on surviving the attack 

coming.He’s right, so I nod and lean my head back, blocking out. everything as he drives us back. It’s a long drive, they had left the city, lucky for us they went to. Wensendale, is a city we work closely with. Jax and his men will be watching her parents closely for us

Rest when we get in Cal. We will sort things.Marcello looks at me, and I should. I barely sleep these days. I doubt I will though, there’s too much happening, and too much to fix and sort. Walking in Marc looks. at me waiting. Rolling my eyes I go to my room, getting showered I grab the laptop 

I need to know who it is, and while we have ideas, we can’t act without proof. We could take down Daisy’s parents because the real threat could attack while we did, we wouldn’t know. Ricard or Dean, I need to decide which one to go to, and which one of them to use to get answers from

Sitting here, I consider the way forward. We need to start visiting those who owe us money, who we hold power over. Ensure they are aware to tell us if they hear our names or Daisy’s. I give up on sleeping. I need to know what Demitri found out from Ryan. Walking through they all turn and look towards me

Don’t start Marc, D, update me.Sitting I look at him waiting

Nothing. He didn’t speak of anything else. Appears what he said wast true. They communicated through messages. So we’re currently tracing. those messages. They offered him a patch of the city, so we need to listen for that. If they are offering parts of the city to get helpers, we will hear about it quickly.” 

He says quickly but if people are staying quiet, we won’t

Right, well we need to visit a few places. We make sure everyone is 

Chine 21 


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