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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 240

240Burning Questions


The whole mess at the hospital left me speechless. I realized I had been tricked into believing I was poisoned just so I would run around like crazy and tell my stepbrothers. The girls knew it would be proven with the help of tests that no poison was found in my body, and I would be seen as someone who wanted those witches to be punished and humiliated

It has gotten out of hand,I heard Nash say from the driver’s seat. I kept my head down, feeling guilty

Just keep driving. We’ll talk at home,Cain spoke softly to him, but he adjusted the mirror to check on me. I quickly looked down, too ashamed to meet his gaze

My heart was beating so slowly, as if my body wanted to hide somewhereaway from everyone’s eyes

Can I say something?I asked from the backseat, hoping to explain how the girls had fooled me

Not right now, Nora. Can’t you see we’re already upset?Cain responded, not raising his voice, but the dismissal broke my heart, and I sank into my seat. They didn’t say another word after that, and we arrived at the mansion. I knew they would question me later, but for now, I was left alone with my thoughts and guilt

They left me in my bedroom, and no one stayed behind to talk with me. I heard they were first going to deal with the complaints filed against Daphne and April, and then discuss what to do with Natalya


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It was going to get crazy because I knew those girls would use this to guilttrip them, and they would get angrier with me

However, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. When my door swung open and Lord Atwood barged inside, I could tell it was time for me to get a good scolding for what happened on the day of the funeral

Sit up. We need to have a conversation.Lord Atwood gestured for me, and I quickly adjusted my attire and sat up in bed

I have treated you as my own blood, haven’t I?Lord Atwood asked, disappointment visible in his eyes and disbelief evident in his voice

I nodded, so he continued, Even when everyone questioned me for it, I brought you here and put you above my sons. Have I not?It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to meet his gaze. I felt ashamed, not because I did something wrong, but because it had been so easy for those three devils to trick me and make a fool out of me

But how does one react when told they have been poisoned? What could I have done

There was a solution back then that I hadn’t considered. Instead of running to my stepbrothers, I should have looked for Brody. I’m sure. he would have quietly taken me to the hospital and wouldn’t have judged me if nothing had shown up in the test results

Then why?Lord Atwood slammed his hand on the table, making me jolt my head up

I didn’t do anything,I repeated, lowering my head once more

The lack of responsibility for your actions is just bewildering,Cain’s comment forced me to raise my head and glare at him



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As if you’re responsible,I muttered, thinking my words would be taken lightly as they usually were. My stepsiblings and I had always bickered, but Lord Atwood had always taken my side and didn’t hold my actions against me

That changed today when he raised his head and hissed at me

Don’t talk to your elder brother in that tone,he warned, his voice 


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