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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 249

249The Whistler’s Daughter 


My heart sank at his confession. I turned to Silas, watching him. silently examine the whistler

The beings that killed that girl were not my monsters. My creatures don’t arrive so silently. They are very showy; they make an impact. when they come and go,he smirked again

This time, his words shook me to my core

Then who could have killed that girl?I grabbed him by the collar and demanded

Hmmm! That’s a good question. Maybe someone wanted to use me and my monsters to hide their crime,he snickered, not saying it outright but grinning at Ryker. I recalled Nora’s file, and my heart. clenched

If she spoke to anyone about it, they would accuse us brothers. Her file seemed very convincing. It could get us in trouble and even leave my father in worry

If it wasn’t you and your monsters, then who set you free?Silas. questioned, and the man lowered his head again. I bet he was enjoying watching us suffer and worry about the murders

Who set you free?Yuki pressed, his mind filled with questions. The man seemed more inclined to answer him than Silas

Who set me free?the man pretended to be confused before he smiled


240The Whistler’s Daughter 

and added, A blood of mine.” 

It didn’t make sense, so we all started to gather around him, giving him. a clear idea of what would happen if he didn’t give us the right answer

Listen!Silas stepped up, looming over him and grasping his chair, pulling his head back to make eye contact. I knew once Silas took over, he would get the answers from this man no matter what

My brother would never tolerate being ignored. His pride would drive him to kill this man before anyone else did

If you don’t tell us now, we won’t care that we need you to study and stop those monsters. We’ll just torture you and kill you outright. So, tell us, who freed you that night?I noticed the man locking eyes with Silas. But what he didn’t realize was that Silas was also injecting him. with his serum at that moment

The man couldn’t look away, and in that brief moment of weakness, he finally spoke, “My daughter. My daughter planned my escape.” 

We all exchanged glances and swallowed hard. Silas knew he had to keep asking questions, even though he was just as shocked as the rest of us. Who? Who is your daughter?” 

The man opened his mouth and then mumbled, The one who is your family now. My sweet daughter who thinks living with handsome and powerful brothers would ensure her safety. My naïve daughter who has forgotten about her own father and brother because she didn’t like the way we used to train her. She wanted a life of luxury and brothers. surrounding her. My sweet little monster daughterNora–” 

The moment he said that, he shook his head and gasped


240The Whistler’s Daughter 

He finally snapped into awareness, gasping for air. I couldn’t breathe in that moment. I knew that the first time he spoke, he was still under hypnosis, but the second time, he had almost woken himself up.. 

Silas stepped back in shock while Ryker dropped the watch he had been holding after beating up the whistler


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