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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 286

286Someone Cares Too Much 


I frowned, hastily typing another text. This was not fair. They had not right to mistreat me like this. To accuse me like I was born a criminal. What the hell was wrong with them

Me: You think I cause trouble

I waited, but he never got back to me. At this point, I was getting so anxious that my breathing became irregular. I was trying to calm myself but it wasn’t working

How do I make them respond to me? Should I yell at them, curse at them? That would make them lose their temper with me

As I paced around the terrace, my vision started to blur

I didn’t even notice when the door to my room opened and someone barged in 

Hey, good morning. I’m so sorry for leaving without informing you. There was an issue related to the woods, and when I got home, I found the ladies in the garden. I quickly made my way to your room to check on you because I know they’re always making things diff–As Brody. walked in and rambled, he suddenly paused when I turned around to face him

His eyes widened at the sight of me. I guess I was bleeding from my 


He rushed in the moment my body began to collapse. As he carried me 

in his arms, I slowly lost consciousness

Rollo!Brody yelled, laying me down on my bed. I was still slightly awake, only able to hear the commotion around me

Where the hell is Rollo? Ask him to come here!Brody aggressively shouted at someone

Nora! Please wake up, tell me what’s wrong?He was so lovingly running his hands through my hair that I let go of my body and passed 


I want to know who thought it was a good idea for you to show up at our door with your friends?I was in my sleep, but I could hear Brody speaking to someone

I thought I didn’t need any permission to come here,I recognized her voiceit was April

You do need to inform me because your presence stresses out Nora.His voice was clear, and the aggression in it was also quite evident

Butyou would kick out your cousin for her?I heard the shock in her voice. I wanted to get up and argue with her, but I knew I couldn’t win against her. She would go ahead and tell my stepbrothers I was the reason Brody was angry with her, and then they would come yelling at 

  1. me

I don’t know since when I became so scared of their anger, but I guess it has to do with the fact that I wanted to return home. For that, I needed my stepbrothers to see me with the same affection they used to before


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