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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 319

319I am in labor 


As I stood there, I wondered if that was the reason Brody had been so attentive to me as well. He wanted someone of higher rank or status, someone who belonged to a higher lineage, whether it be through brothers or father. Once he realized I had been kicked out of Lord Atwood’s 

s pack and mansion, his affection for me had vanished. Then he chose to enjoy Clara’s company, only to discard her for the daughter of an alpha. It all made sense now

I didn’t know if it made me feel better or worse that he was never honest with me and didn’t punish me for this harsh life because he was hurt

Brody kept adjusting Janet’s hair and ensuring she was comfortable in that beautiful golden gown. All his promises to me came rushing back. I had told him that I was seeing other people, yet he acted so shocked when we arrived at his pack. I suppose he truly believed I was pregnant by my stepbrothers and hated them more than he loved me

He then began pointing out everyone once again, making introductions. I kept remembering all the broken dreams I once had

It made me wonder why I was remenisving on the past again. I was weirdly emotional, and my back hurt a lot

After a few minutes of standing in the corner like an outcast and shedding tears in silence, Mrs. Fisher approached me and nudged my arm, bringing me back to reality

319 am in labor 

Go back to your room. Everyone is complaining about the dirty, big- bellied girl casting an evil eye on their happiness,she whispered, gesturing toward Brody and his Luna

Stop looking at them with so much desire in your eyes,she pinched my elbow, making me wince

You have such an evil eye; you’ll devour their happiness like you did. Clara’s,she hissed into my ear. My gaze landed on Clara, who was glaring at me

Did she truly believe I had taken her happiness? Why couldn’t she accuse Brody of leading her on and then choosing a better option for his pack and status than her

I sighed and shook my head. She probably didn’t want to believe she got rejected

I ate her happiness,I muttered under my breath in disbelief

Once a princess, cherished by so many, now stood as a maid with a big belly, humiliated by everyone who passed by

Excuse me,” a woman approached Mrs. Fisher to get her attention. Could you please remove thisthis person? I have young daughters, and I don’t want any of them to be influenced negatively,she 

grimaced, wrinkling her nose in disgust and casting a revolting glare at 

  1. me

I’m so sorry. I’ll get rid of her right away,Mrs. Fisher spoke as if I were trash

Now go, get the heck out of here,she muttered in my ear and gave me a little push to make me leave. I had no strength left in my body to 

3194 am in labor 

argue with anyone

Remember when I said I would become a robot one day? I’ve become one now. I desperately wanted to hold my baby and feel alive again. I longed to speak to Akira, to have someone say, Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything.” 

I had been handling everything on my own all these months; I needed rest. Now

I nodded and started following Mrs. Fisher to the exit. She made sure no one saw me, but as I walked, my eyes met Brody’s, and his smile began to fade. It was as if he had just remembered that I existed too. The look he gave me was similar to that of a person who had suddenly realized something, and it burned me from the inside out

I wished we had remained friends, but sadly, not even my friends were, ever loyal to me

Now go straight to your room,Mrs. 

Fisher warned me before she returned to her spot

I was out of the hall and making my way back to my room, all alone now. Everyone else was enjoying the evening


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