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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 330

330Now Get Over It 


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Did you even hear what I said?he spoke softly, his hands in his pockets and still leaning to the side when I ignored him

I did,I replied, focusing on folding the little blankets of my babies that I was planning to wash after he left

You will need to speak to them so they don’t just show up at my pack’s door,he said, making me frown in bewilderment

Why would they come here?It had been so long that I couldn’t even remember my last interaction with them. Did I speak to them? Did we communicate through messages? I had forgotten all about everyone

It seems they have suddenly remembered that their stepsister is living here,he scoffed, clearly finding it amusing that they had appeared out of nowhere

Well, they’re mistaken because I am not their stepsister, remember?I gave him a closedlip smile. And as for talking to them, I really don’t have time to fulfill some alpha kingswishes.I didn’t want to return to that situation. Time had passed, and my desire to be loved had died. I love myself and my babies, and that is the only love I want

The issue isn’t even that I’m mad at them, I have moved past that phase



330Now Get Over It 

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The problem is that I am over them. I don’t feel the same way towards any of them like I used to

But you will still have to speak to them and reassure them that you are happy here,Brody’s voice turned a little harsh when I kept avoiding speaking to them

Remember, one of your babies is still with me,he said calmly, while making that threat in the most composed way. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number while I kept glaring at him for using my son to blackmail me

Hello, Nash! You’ve been calling me nonstop,he started whispering, but hearing Nash’s name sent chills up my spine. I closed my eyes and recalled the last interaction I had with him. It was when he had suggested I should be kicked out. And then I remembered that rooftop encounter when he had been so brutal to me

I swiftly opened my eyes and grunted as I watched Brody hold the phone up for me

Without breaking eye contact with Brody, I muttered, Baby, can you please take care of the call? I’m kind of busy here,making sure Nash heard me

Even Brody was shocked when I said words that would give the impression that Brody and I were still together

What? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you not know I do whatever I please? So take care of the call, I’m busy!I repeated myself



330Now Get Over It 

this time in a much harsher tone

288 Vouchers 

Your brother wants to talk to you,” Brody uttered, seemingly lost

My brother? I don’t have any. Brody, can you please do as I asked you?Just as I watched him smile and bring the phone closer to his ear, I added, And come to bed soon. I’m waiting for you.” 

His smirk faded, and he reluctantly attended to the phone again

Sorry, Nash, seems like she is very busy,Brody didn’t miss the chance to get back at Nash for the way he used to treat me when he would visit their 


Well, I didn’t care. They could fight all they wanted. I didn’t want them to come back or enter my life again

Of course she’s with me. You guys made us accept each other when kicking her out of the pack,Brody was talking on the phone, and I was 

getting the gist of what it was about. I didn’t want to hear all that. It was 

surprising to me that they were still stuck on past issues

Bye,” Brody hung up and sighed in relief

You have no idea how great I feel after hearing him almost lose his temper,he said, but his words didn’t make sense to me. Nash wouldn’t care, and if he suddenly did after so long, I didn’t care


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