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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 350

350Threatened With My Children’s Safety


Huh? Say that again. I don’t think I heard you correctly the first time.It was definitely a warning that he must not say anything foolish. But he still managed to repeat himself, I want you to act like everything is fine between us and that we are in a happy relationship.” 

I couldn’t believe he was suggesting such a huge lie. Oh really? And why do you think I would do that?I nodded slightly, watching him close his eyes and take a deep breath. I know I have lied on the phone but I did that because I was angry at the moment. And now, why would I save Brody’s 


If anything, I could let the brothers know and see what they would do. If they take action, it will be beneficial for me, as I will take my babies and run far away from all of them. If they don’t do anything, I guess I will find my own way to escape this hell where I have to wait for hours before I see my kids. And I get to see Roman only once a week

See, you do this and push me, and then you wonder why I am so heartless. You leave me with no choice but to say something utterly disgusting and hurting you. Do you want me to issue a threat to you?He placed his hands on his waist, blaming me for his messedup actions

You’re threatening my kidslives?I didn’t hold back and asked him directly. He quickly shook his head after seeing the anger in my eyes

Nora! Your kids will remain safe here. I’m not sure where Roman isbut he is in safe hands. However, you just need to send away these brothers and Lord Atwood.There it was, the hidden warning. He thought that if he didn’t say it directly, it wouldn’t be counted as a threat. He made it 



350Threatened With My Children’s Safety 

clear that he had sent Roman somewhere away from the mansion

28 Vouchers 

And how do you plan to hide Janet?I raised my brow, wondering what kind of messedup plan he had for her now

He cleared his throat again and replied, “I will say youlet me have a second mate.I kept staring at his face while he avoided eye contact. It is not a big deal. Alphas sometimes have multiple mates. And we will say that since you want to be a fighter, you realized I would need someone fragile by my side. I’m not saying you are not fragile, but you are mostly wounded, so you couldn’t please me. Hence, you begged me to get another mate, or you would never be happy.The fact that he didn’t want to take any blame for himself but was eager to accept all the praise for my victory came as a shock

He used to be so gentleor was he until he hadn’t tasted popularity? I mean, the day he heard me say I would fight the mutants, he began to see me as nothing but a weapon

I couldn’t even respond to him, but he lingered around and then said, If you needed carts, you should have told me. I don’t understand why Rollo has to waste his time handcrafting these when we can buy better ones.” He wrinkled his nose and then shook his head in disapproval

I didn’t know you thought that I, and the babies, could fit in this small bed,I taunted, and he rolled his eyes

I am an alpha, Nora. I don’t really focus on such things. All you need to do is ask. But your ego has apparently taken over your love for your kids, I believe. You won’t even ask nicely for anything for them.His words made me glare at him, unable to believe that anything could overshadow my love for my babies

Now, get a shower and wear this dress,he said, knocking on the open door. A maid rushed in, holding a plastic wrap with a dress inside. Look 




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