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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35

When Dr Yeil asked if she herself knew about her own peculiarity, Xandar asked Lucianne to tell him about the childhood game she played with Juan and a few others. The doctor noted it and asked whether she had any other peculiarities, apart from her abnormal resistance to silver.

“I have a striped tail, does that count?” Lucianne asked curiously.

“I’m sorry, my Queen. A what?” The doctor asked in total confusion.

Lucianne explained how her white wolf had grey stripes only on her tail. Xandar listened attentively but embarrassment soon crept into his being. How can he proudly declare that he loved her when he didn’t even know that distinct part of Lucianne’s wolf? (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)He knew that it had white fur with blue eyes because he saw her like that in the Jewel Pack the other day. But he must have missed her tail because he was focused on the blood from the wound. 1

As if to make himself feel better, he started caressing Lucianne’s shoulders in soothing strokes while she explained to Dr Yeil that she had gone through every book she could find o n irregular wolf features but nothing came up.

“I must say that I’ve never heard of such a thing either, your Highnesses. But uh, my Queen, perhaps consider that the striped tail may not be a peculiarity exhibited only by wolves.”

Lucianne pondered before responding, “So, you’re saying that I may have a peculiarity of another species, like a human, a vampire, or…”

“Or a Lycan.” The doctor suggested. “Lycans are known to be generally more resistant to silver.”

Lucianne thought for a moment, and shook her head as she said, “That’s not possible. There are no Lycans in my bloodline. And if there were, I’d be a Lycan right now, not a werewolf.”

Dr Yeil then offered his opinion, “I wouldn’t say that you have Lycan blood per se. But perhaps the Moon Goddess gave you different peculiarities from different species. You’re not a hybrid, more like…a werewolf with a few bonus attributes.”

“So…my tail is supposed to be able to do something?”

“Maybe, maybe not. And until you’ve tested the limits of your peculiarities, I doubt you’d know the full extent of them.”

Lucianne was confused, “What does that mean?”

“Well,” the doctor began explaining, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)“You told me that you swallowed merely drops of silver a sa child but the silver on the knife that was in your body would be more than a few drops, don’t you think?” .


“And silver harms werewolf children just as they would adults. An adult werewolf can be killed by the same amount of silver as the amount given to a child. They don’t become more resistant to silver, even with age.”

“That’s true.”

Well, then. That would mean that not only are you more resistant to silver, your resistance strengthens with each encounter your body has with that substance.”

“I become more resistant to silver each time it enters my body. That… might be true.” The doctor waited in anticipation so Lucianne explained, “In a few battles I fought in before the one in the Jewel Pack, there were rogues and hunters who scratched my skin or stabbed me with a silver blade. It hurt very badly the first few times but, even then, I was never hospitalized like the others. Later, bearing with the pain just got…more doable, as long as I took the blade out quickly. I thought I was just getting used to the pain.”

The doctor then looked at her and asked, “I need to ask, my Queen, do you smell silver before you see it?”

“Of course, doesn’t everyone?” Lucianne said without hesitation.

The doctor and Xandar glanced at one another before Xandar said, “Lucy, I don’t get any scent from silver. Neither does Christian or any other Lycan I know.

The doctor explained, “That’s because silver is scientifically proven to have no distinct scent.”

Lucianne furrowed her eyebrows, “That doesn’t sound right. Silver smells like the grass after the rain combined with mercury and a faint whiff of tar. Nothing metallic.”

The doctor frowned, “My Queen, mercury has no distinct smell either.” 1

She looked at the doctor, and then at Xandar who looked like he was thinking hard. She then dove into her own thoughts. Why was she the only one smelling these things? What was wrong with her? If there was nothing wrong, then what were these peculiarities going to do? Why was she never taught how to harness what she was given by the Moon Goddess? It felt like their Goddess treated her like an experiment, throwing in random things and sending her into the world to see how she’ll fare.

‘Five mate bond severances and now this? Seriously? Moon Goddess, what have I ever done to you?'(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) Lucianne thought to herself.

She then asked in despair, “Why me? Why did the Moon Goddess choose me to test this… peculiarity combination? I’m just…a wolf, a normal wolf.”

The doctor then shook his head, “Not that I’ve heard of. But who knows? You may be the first.”


She was in a mood to be cheeky again, “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, my King. You may not like me if you get too close. I’m too blunt. I may say something that you won’t like. Plus, you’ve seen my acting. How would you know that I’m not just going after whoever sits on the throne?”

He smiled wider and then continued, “And if you think that being blunt is going to drive me away, you would be very wrong. If you haven’t noticed, your words do two things to me: make me look at you like you’re the Goddess herself, or get me aroused.” She bit her lip before she said softly, “There’s a third thing, too. I hurt you with my words. I hurt you that first night and also in the Jewel Pack with what I said.” She then sighed, “I may have gone a little overboard with what I said at the Jewel Pack and that first night was… uncalled for. I’m sorry.”


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