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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40

“Weaver, watch your left foot. And remember to keep your core in.” Lucianne reminded him a s she and Toby watched Weaver spar with Yarrington.

Toby was as serious as Lucianne was when he said, “Yarrington, don’t overdo those punches. Get to his nose, there have been two openings already. Don’t miss a third.”

After another few minutes of hitting and dodging, Weaver came out as the winner.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) He helped his mate up.

That was when General Langford of the Lycan warriors came to where they were, bringing along one of his own warriors. He bowed without a smile, and Lucianne returned the bow with an equally straight face. “How can I help you, General?”

He looked offended as he said, “As much as we acknowledge that you are one of the best of your kind, your Highness. I must tell you that you have no jurisdiction to train the Lycans. We would appreciate it if you do not overstep the authority that you’ve been given. If you want to train the wolves, then do so. But we can very well take care of our kind.”

Lord Yarrington scowled at the General, “How dare you speak to our Queen in that manner! Weaver and I were the ones who asked her to train us.”

Langford seemed even more offended, “And why would you both do that, my lord?”

Weaver responded on behalf of his mate, “We wanted to advance our skills.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) This is what the collaboration is for anyway! What is your problem, Langford?”

Langford looked at Lucianne from head to toe and chuckled as he asked the ministers, “You think that a wolf’s skills are superior to those of a Lycan?”

“You certainly don’t think so.” Lucianne’s stern voice suddenly rang between everyone’s ears. Some of those around them had already slowed down or pretended to be taking a short break, glancing in Lucianne’s direction to see what was about to go down.

Langford said with zero sincerity, “I mean no disrespect, your Highness.” It was conspicuously clear that the General had every intention to offend her. He just didn’t do it directly.

Toby then countered, “Then why are you questioning us being here? We’re just helping!”

Langford glared down at Toby but Toby stood his ground and matched his glare. Lucianne then came between them and pushed Toby away from Langford’s view, taking his place in front of the General.

She smirked darkly and said, “Tell you what, General. You, me and your right-hand man over here spar. If I win, you keep your mouth shut about who I train. If you win, I’ll keep my mouth shut, and when you ask me to leave, I’ll leave.”

Weaver panicked, “What?! My Queen, you can’t just leave us.”

Yarrington squeezed his shoulder as he uttered, “Have a little faith in her, dear.”

“Well?” Lucianne asked Langford. The General smirked as he mind-linked his warrior behind him, and the warrior too smirked in response. They took their positions on the mat Weaver and Yarrington were using. Lucianne was at one end, and the General and his warrior was at the other end. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Many around them, mostly Lycans, had started taking their so-called breaks to watch.

Lucianne studied their build and waited for them to start. The warrior charged at her first. Throwing a punch with his entire arm. Lucianne dodged sideways and grabbed his arm before twisting it emotionlessly. She kicked his kneecaps to make him kneel. When his second punch came, she flipped her body over his neck and the punch went into the air. Her weight on his neck was too much, and the warrior fell on the ground with a loud thud. That was when Langford came from behind, as Lucianne expected. He attempted to pounce on her but she rolled away right before he did. So he ended up putting his weight on the warrior. Since Langford was heavier, the warrior howled in agony when the General’s weight fell on him.

Lucianne didn’t even give the General a chance to recover from his shock before she threw a punch at his throat and broke his nose with no remorse. Lycans heal quickly so that damage wasn’t worrying.

One of Lucianne’s hands reached for the back of his head and the other reached for his shoulder before she turned his head forcefully to the left. If Lucianne turned his neck a few inches more, his neck would have snapped, and the General would have been dead.

Lucianne cocked her head to one side to meet Langford’s shocked and somewhat fearful eyes. She then pushed his body harshly to the back and turned the warrior’s body over so that the latter could breathe.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Xandar appeared on the sidelines, where Toby and many of the Lycans had gathered to watch. He was looking at Lucianne with so much love and pride. By his side, Christian was already chuckling mercilessly at the men she defeated seconds ago. Toby smirked as he fist-bumped Lucianne. “That was awesome, Lucy.” “Thanks, Toby.”

Xandar walked over to her when Langford and his warrior were getting up. Lucianne asked the latter, “What’s your name, warrior?”


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