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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Alphas Juan and Tate were shocked but soon after that, excited. They wasted no time linking the other Alphas and Lunas through their pack leaders group-link. And the leaders, in turn, informed their Gammas.

The wolves came over and started pairing up with the Lycans. Some Lycans followed Weaver and Yarrington, and went to where the wolves were to pair up with them. After watching Lucianne, most of the Lycans kept their guard up. Many didn’t underestimate the smaller sized opponent in front of them seeing that even the smallest wolf was able to take down the largest and strongest Lycan, right after taking down their General and his best warrior.

Xandar paired with Toby, and Christian paired with Juan. Most Gammas stood on the sides to watch two pairs at a time. Within the first few minutes, it was clear that more Lycans were falling on their mats compared to wolves.

After Lucianne watched a few matches around her, her voice rang loud in the air, “Lycans, your strength will only be of use if you actually manage to catch your wolf counterpart. If you don’t have them in your hands yet, don’t bet on your strength to win. When an attack comes a t you, grab that part of their body they are using to launch their attack, and hold on to it. Only after that should you utilise your strength. Wolves, our speed and agility are our greatest advantage. Use the techniques we’ve learned to have the Lycans use their own strength against themselves. If and when you get caught, think fast. Escape first, continue your attack later. Slip your way out in any possible way, and never underestimate the power of surprise. Everyone, take note of your opponent’s stability. Ask yourselves whether it’s a good time to trip them. See if your partner has a pattern of attack. Use it to plan your counterattack.”

She noticed Wainwright from the corner of her eye sparring a female Lycan, which made her add, “And remember, in battle, show no mercy.”

Juan managed to beat Christian. Raden, who was watching, gave them pointers on how they could both improve. The spar between Xandar and Toby lasted a few minutes longer, with Toby coming out victorious, which was a surprise even for the wolf himself. If the King was not his closest friend’s mate, he would’ve boasted about his victory to every Lyc n the field that day, regardless of whether he knew them.

Xandar smiled and shook his hand as he said sportingly, “Looks like my mate isn’t the only one who can beat me. It was a good fight, Gamma Tobias. Points of improvement, please?” 2

Toby was humbled that the King didn’t take the fall too hard, “Well, your Highness. Your punching pattern was very predictable. And you tend to think that your opponent’s intention of charging towards you is to attack you.”

“Wait, isn’t it?”

Toby shook his head with a smile, “Take the spar you had with Lucy. She charged at you. But

she wasn’t going to attack you yet. Her intention was to escape from you and to surprise you when she escaped. And the punch you wanted to land on her went to the air, wasting your strength. For our spar, I charged at you only to be close enough so you started throwing as many punches as possible at me, distracting you while I watched your stability weaken enough for me to make my move. And your Highness, do you ever wonder why Lucy looks at her opponents from head to toe before a fight?”


Xandar listened and then asked, trying to not sound jealous, “How do you know all this? Like how she thinks before she fights?”

Toby smiled graciously and explained, “Well, when Lucy recruited me and a few other Gammas to give pointers to our own warriors, she taught us how she assesses them before giving her feedback. Most of what I told you was what she told us years ago. If you look around, your Highness, all of those watching spars and giving feedback now are Gammas. And most, if not all of us, were trained and taught by Lucy herself.”

e’s loud voice came from a distance, “Lycans, the intention of most wolves is to escape before they attack, not attack first. Don’t pin on the fact that they’ll attack you when they charge at you.”


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