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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Lady Kylton’s husband and daughter looked at her in dismay and disappointment. The old woman blew up their carefully thought-out plan within seconds! Everyone in the dining hall looked at the family of three in disgust and disapproval.

Her ladyship’s anger seemed to have blinded her from seeing that Lucianne was pushing her buttons, setting up a trap for her to walk right into.

Both the cousins were seething with rage but their feet were rooted because Lucianne’s arms were stretched out in front of their bodies, blocking their way. But this didn’t stop them from growling murderously at the old woman.

In the hall, many of the wolves and even some of the Lycans, who have grown to love and respect (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Lucianne, were also growling under their breaths as they threw fierce glares at her Ladyship for insulting and challenging their Queen-to-be.

However, Lucianne remained calm. She was very satisfied with Lady Kylton’s reaction. She thought it would take more than a few words to get one of the Kyltons to blurt out something like that.

Gracefully, she took a step forward and glowered at Lady Kylton. She mustered her voice of authority and grace as she spoke in a stern but controlled tone, “Being a filthy wolf is better than having a filthy mouth and a disgraceful character. If I’m a scum, then you are lower than a decomposed piece of dirt. Your daughter may be a Queen in your family’s eyes but it isn’t for your family to decide for this Kingdom. The Moon Goddess makes these decisions. You haven o right to speak against her.”The wolves and Lycans growled in support of their Queen.

“You were rejected five times, you b*tch!” An angered hiss came from the side, and Lucianne followed the voice back to Kelissa. ‘Looks like the feminine voice she used before this was indeed faked’, she thought to herself.

Christian’s and Xandar’s bodies were pushing grudgingly against Lucianne’s outstretched arms, wanting permission to be set free. But her arms remained where they were, refusing their implied request. She noticed their fur starting to show, and their claws were extending b y the second. She demanded in a low, firm voice, “Both of you, retract your claws, now.” Reluctantly, the cousins obliged.

Lucianne could also feel the anger radiating in the room from the rest of the wolves and the Lycans. The wolves, especially those who had fought with her as allies, were already taking slow steps in her direction. She had to get rid of the Kyltons before the night ended in slaughter.

Lucianne glared at Kelissa and spoke loud and clear, “If you wanted to make me feel jealous and uncomfortable, Ms Kylton, then you’ve clearly picked the wrong person and the wrong place to do it. The fact that I was rejected five times should have been enough to tell you that

I’d be immune to attempts to make me jealous. You and your parents made a mistake to even try. If you look around yourself, you’ll see that I’m not the one losing control.”

Lucianne turned to the old couple before speaking in a slow and deathly manner, ‘If either of you have any amount of intelligence in those primitive brains of yours, you will take your daughter and leave before your throats are ripped out by the many people growling in this room. I won’t kill you. But I can’t guarantee that they won’t.”

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)The Lord and Lady were so infuriated that they hadn’t noticed the people they had angered taking slow steps towards them, like predators approaching a prey before they pounced. Lady Kylton suddenly looked fearful and her husband wasn’t any less scared. For the first time in their lives, they felt like deer surrounded by lions with no way out.

“LEAVE NOW!” Lucianne’s voice of authority demanded as she continued to try her best to restrain the cousins. The old couple snapped out of the scene and pulled along their still furious daughter, leaving the hall in haste.

When they were no longer in sight, Lucianne let out an audible sigh of relief. Her arms restraining the men on her sides fell as she faced the room. Many were still angered, male and female alike. Even their respective mates didn’t bother trying to constrain their counterparts, as if encouraging their mates’ to go along with their homicidal intentions.

Lucianne took a deep breath before she managed a small smile and spoke, “Everyone, I am deeply touched by the support that you’ve just displayed. Please, let us all forget that those three ever set foot in this room. People like them are not worth the attention, time or energy. Take a few deep breaths. Go out and get some air if you have to. Let’s not allow disgraceful figures like themselves spoil our evening. We shall enjoy the rest of the night, alright?” Every Lycan and werewolf were surprised by how composed Lucianne was when she was in the best position to be the most angered. She even had a smile when they were all scowling after what they had just witnessed. Their boiling wrath was subsiding from Lucianne’s calm words and demeanor.

From where he stood, Toby retracted his own claws before he knelt on one knee and tilted his head to face the ground. His voice echoed through the hall when he shouted out firmly. “As you wish, my Queen.”


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