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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Xandar’s heart cracked at the words ‘sad by myself’. When she started pulling up her covers and was about to slip the rest of her body under the sheets, he lifted her body up and placed her on his lap. After guiding her head to his chest, he muttered, “You don’t have to be sad by yourself, Lucy. You can be sad with me. We’ll get through this together. I love you, baby. It’s okay for you to break down in front of me. Please stop trying to hold everything back. Let it all out. Let it all out with me.”

Lucianne couldn’t hold back any longer. She broke down with an anguished cry, and sobbed and sniffled in Xandar’s chest as she let the feelings of lack and unworthiness flow through her. Without allowing these emotions to pass through her being, she would never be free. The sensations would just build up and make her uncomfortable and drained.


Xandar stroked her hand and shoulder as he continued letting her cry into his chest, drenching a part of his shirt. His heart ached at the increasing wetness. Every sniffle and sob felt like a stab to his heart. His animal was not helping when it broke down in tears at the scene as well. 1

Unworthy and insecure. Xandar thought about what she said. After knowing about her past, i t was not surprising to learn that she felt that way. And he wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or devastated by the fact that she no longer had a tendency to be jealous.

Life has thrown so many instances her way to trigger that rage within her that she was now able to ignore that feeling altogether. She would rather walk away in hurt than allow jealousy to make her fight against someone to get someone else. This thought pained Xandar. His beautiful and selfless mate had been through so much. Yet it seems that such things never

stop happening to her. 1

Even when she had stopped crying, he continued to hold her and stroke her lovingly. None of them said a word to each other. Suddenly, Lucianne sat upright on his lap. He was about to ask how she was feeling but when he saw her reddened eyes glaze over, he fell silent and continued holding her as he waited.

Juan was mind-linking his sister, ‘Lucy, how are you, really?’

‘I’m fine now. Xandar’s here. He made me cry everything out with him. I’m okay now. Don’t worry.

There was a pause before Juan linked a response, ‘He’s good to you, Lucy. There’s no reason t o question his loyalty. There’s no need to feel insecure.’

He knew her so well. She was quiet for a moment before she linked, ‘I guess that’s true. I just… get so frustrated that I’m never able to not feel this, to not feel… unworthy’

‘You are worthy, Lucy. We all see it. You have no idea the impact you have on the lives of everyone you meet. So much so that we would kill for you. You saw everyone tonight. We

were ready to murder three people just to keep you. All of us would’ve done it without hesitation, especially your mate. Those three wouldn’t have left the room alive tonight had you not stopped us, had you not stopped him.’

‘What happened tonight with everyone growling was definitely…unexpected.’

Juan scoffed, ‘For you, maybe. But not for the rest of us. Youre worth more than you know, Lucy.”


‘Why do I still feel like this sometimes? Why doesn’t it ever go away?’

When she climbed out of his lap, he held her arms and asked frantically, “Where are you going?” Was she avoiding him again?

Xandar still refused to release her as he said firmly, “You do know that I’m okay with worrying about you, don’t you? You don’t have to mask anything to stop me from worrying about you, Lucy. I hope you know that.”


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