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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59

After a twenty minute drive, a large skyscraper came into view. Xandar parked on the lower ground floor and they took the elevator up. Xandar’s hand never left Lucianne’s waist as he led her out through the elevator doors, and as soon as they turned around the corner, Lucianne halted in her steps at the sight before her.

“Woah.” She muttered as her black orbs sparkled at the sight of the large space filled with endless shelves of books. As she adjusted to her surroundings, she took small steps forward t o look around. The carpeted floor absorbed any sounds of footsteps, making the place quiet enough to read. The lights lit up the place enough to give it a sophisticated look. The music playing subtly in the background puts one in a mood to relax and dive into whichever book held their interest

Lucianne’s eyes snapped back to Xandar’s elated lilac ones as she exclaimed in a whisper,“ This is La Librairie, isn’t it? The largest bookstore in the Kingdom!” 1

Xandar’s eyes were also shining at the sight of Lucianne’s excitement, “It is. Youve clearly heard of it.”

Her eyes continued to scan the place while she explained, “I’ve read about it and seen pictures of it in the news. But the sight is still breathtaking.” She looked at the ceiling which was said to contain engravings of reputable authors of the past. She then looked at the pillars which had the most famous quotes of each century. She then uttered, “The twenty-eight-floor building which holds every book known to Lycans, werewolves, vampires and humans. All in one place. This is amazing!” 1

“Yes, you are.” Xandar said from her side. Lucianne turned back to find his sincere and affectionate gaze fixed on her. She was moved. She heard about this place for years but never got to come because it was in Lycan territory so she didn’t think it would be wise to enter as a wolf. She didn’t want to be kicked out and appear in the news for it. But Xandar brought her here without her having to ask.

She then asked in curiosity, “How did you even know that I’m crazy about books?”

He chuckled softly before he took her hands in his, “Well, you were reading some very heavy material while I slept after the Jewel Pack incident. And if I recall correctly, Cummings once tried to give you a book in the dining hall. In your room, there were three 300-page books on the couch, all heavy material. I’ve never known a person to pack books for a trip.”

Lucianne rolled her eyes and said, “Behavioral science is not heavy material.”

Xandar held her close and retorted, “Babe, the name itself feels heavy. Light ones normally have only one word for their genre like mystery, romance, humour, adventure…”

“What about biographies, history, literature…” Before Lucianne could list out the one-worded book genres which could arguably be considered heavy material, Xandar squeezed the flesh o

n her waist and made her giggle.

When he was satisfied with the wide smile and red tinge on his mate’s face, he kissed her forehead and said, “Go on, pick your spot to start. We can stay here the whole day if you want. There’s a restaurant on the twenty-eighth floor. We’ll just stop for lunch up there, and you can come back down here to continue your book hunt.” 2

From the display rack, Lucianne took out a copy of the map showing the outline of the entire place. ‘Wow. She even knew that existed.’Xandar thought to himself in awe. It was then he realized that she must have wanted to come here for years, probably ever since she heard about the place. But due to the friction between their species, and the store being in Lycan territory, she never could. His heart hurt at the thought of how little the werewolves had access to the things that Lycans always took for granted. 1



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